YouTube will label AI-generated content, following Facebook and other social media giants
@dailydot.com3 years ago
Is abortion content absent from your Facebook feed? You aren’t alone
@forbes.com3 years ago
Can SoFi - Social Media DeFi - Topple Facebook And Twitter?
@theguardian.com3 years ago
Facebook boss ‘not willing to protect public from harm’
@thehill.com3 years ago
Facebook asks Oversight Board for guidance on 'cross-check' system
@rt.com3 years ago
Trump SLATES ‘corrupt’ Facebook for secret system that ‘exempted’ VIP users from content moderator rules & sanctions
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
Facebook will let users become 'experts' to cut down on misinformation. It's another attempt to avoid responsibility for harmful content. (FB)
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
Facebook exec implied Trump's suspension would continue past 2023 if he encouraged violence but not if he spread lies
@rt.com4 years ago
Society’s toilet no more? Facebook Oversight Board rolls out new layer of content policing
@thehill.com4 years ago
Advocacy group accuses Facebook of fueling anti-Muslim hate
@thehill.com4 years ago
Facebook expanding options for fans to pay for content, subscriptions
@fastcompany.com5 months ago
Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube EU users will soon have a new way to settle content moderation disputes
@theguardian.coma year ago
Meta pushes to label all AI images on Instagram and Facebook in crackdown on deceptive content
@dailydot.com3 years ago
Is abortion content absent from your Facebook feed? You aren’t alone
@theguardian.com3 years ago
Facebook tests tool to allow users to manage content they see
@rt.com3 years ago
Facebook leaks: Network knew it radicalized users, was too slow to root out QAnon and anti-vaxxers, critics say
@WSJ3 years ago
Facebook said it plans to ask its independent Oversight Board to recommend ways the company can improve how it regulates content from high-profile users, which are held to a separate set of rules on the platform
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
After criticism for lack of transparency, Facebook releases a previously hidden first quarter report on most-viewed content
@snopes.com4 years ago
Is Facebook Issuing New Warnings About ‘Extremist Content’?
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
Facebook confirms politicians will no longer have a free pass when they break content rules (FB)
@snopes.com4 years ago
Facebook Users Can Appeal Harmful Content to Oversight Board
@rt.com4 years ago
Harmful content not ‘fault of faceless machines,’ Facebook VP Nick Clegg says while blaming users for ‘polarizing’ content
@thehill.com4 years ago
Australia says Facebook in talks with government after news ban
@globalvoices.org6 months ago
Digital partisans: Dissecting Facebook sentiment towards Sri Lanka's main presidential candidates
@theguardian.coma year ago
Facebook argues Australian users’ data harvested in Cambridge Analytica scandal is not ‘sensitive information’
@theguardian.com3 years ago
Facebook ‘lets vigilantes in Ethiopia incite ethnic killing’
@politico.com3 years ago
Facebook places new restrictions on ad targeting
@thehill.com3 years ago
Facebook withheld information about its VIP program, Oversight Board says
@rt.com3 years ago
Facebook tested secret project, approved by Mark Zuckerberg, that pushed positive spin about company to combat bad press – reports
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
Facebook is letting religious groups charge users $9.99 per month for exclusive content, such as messages from their bishop
@rt.com4 years ago
‘Are your friends becoming extremists?’ Facebook asks users as it tests bizarre new feature to combat ‘harmful content’
@dailywire.com4 years ago
Facebook To Reverse Political Protections, Opening Door To Censorship
@thehill.com4 years ago
Facebook expands Oversight Board to let users report content for removal
@thehill.com4 years ago
Facebook to give users more control over what is in their newsfeed years ago
'Disgusted by my friends': Why some are leaving Facebook as it seeks to lower political tensions
@fastcompany.com6 months ago
Meta restarts plans to train AI using content from U.K. Facebook and Instagram users
@WSJ2 years ago
Facebook tried to scale back on how much political content it showed users. That brought unintended consequences.
@thehill.com3 years ago
Critics slam Spotify for using 'Facebook playbook' on Joe Rogan controversy
@politico.com3 years ago
How Facebook users wield multiple accounts to spread toxic politics
@dailydot.com3 years ago
‘Those things get the highest engagement’: New Facebook users served QAnon content in less than a week, whistleblower says
@rt.com3 years ago
Facebook censors German anti-lockdown movement under new rules to prevent real users from organizing & amplifying ‘harmful’ ideas
@forbes.com4 years ago
More Than 200 Facebook Groups Have Been Actively Circulating Coronavirus Vaccine Misinformation
@rt.com4 years ago
Ted Cruz accuses Facebook of censoring Covid-19 content ‘on behalf of govt,’ suggests users could SUE platform over deleted posts
@aljazeera.com4 years ago
Advocates demand Facebook end ‘blatant’ Palestinian censorship
@forbes.com4 years ago
Facebook Oversight Board Gains New Powers Over Content
@forbes.com4 years ago
Zuckerberg Says He Backs Changes To Controversial Section 230—Law Attacked By Trump That Protects Internet Companies
@WSJ4 years ago
Facebook says it is beginning to reduce how much political content users see on its main platform, potentially diminishing the role that the world’s largest social network plays in elections and civil discourse more broadly