Google confirmed it won’t replace cookies, surprising many advertisers that expected the tech giant to create another mechanism to target individuals
@deutschlandfunk.de4 years ago
Wandel im Internet - Keine Tracking-Cookies mehr - Google schafft personalisierte Werbung ab - Deutschlandfunk
@horizont.net4 years ago
Keine Cookie-Alternative: Google will ab 2022 keinerlei Tracking für Werbung im Web mehr durchführen -
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
Google announces major shift away from precision-targeting of ads based on everything you do on the internet (GOOGL)
@spiegel.de4 years ago
Frankreichs Datenschutzbehörde macht ernst – Google soll 100 Millionen Euro zahlen
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
How to go into 'Incognito Mode' on a Google Chrome browser, and stop Google from saving your search and browsing history
@thehill.com5 years ago
Google to phase out tracking cookies within two years
@WSJ6 years ago
If you use Google Chrome, you'll soon be getting more information on what cookies are tracking you—and how to block them
@WSJ6 years ago
If you use Google Chrome, you'll soon be getting more information on what cookies are tracking you—and how to block them
@forbes.com4 years ago
Google Is Scrapping Cookies This Year, And Other Small Business Tech News
@spiegel.de4 years ago
Google bekräftigt Abkehr vom Cookie-Tracking
@heise.de4 years ago
Google verzichtet auf individualisiertes Tracking, setzt auf Gruppen-Werbung - heise online
@heise.de4 years ago
Onlinewerbung: Google testet Cookie-Nachfolger - heise online
@spiegel.de4 years ago
Streit über Cookies: Frankreichs Datenschutzbehörde macht Ernst – Google soll 100 Millionen Euro zahlen - DER SPIEGEL years ago
Google wants to kill cookies. Here's what you should know
@reuters.com5 years ago
Google cutting web cookies, ending lucrative tracking tool for advertisers
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
How to clear the cookies in your Google Chrome browser on a desktop or mobile device
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
How to enable cookies in Google Chrome on a desktop or mobile device
@zeit.de4 years ago
Google: Keine lästigen Cookies mehr | ZEIT ONLINE - ZEIT ONLINE
@spiegel.de4 years ago
Nutzerdaten für Werbung: Google bekräftigt Abkehr vom Cookie-Tracking - DER SPIEGEL
@vox.com4 years ago
Google is done with cookies, but that doesn’t mean it’s done tracking you
@rt.com4 years ago
UK competition body investigating Google privacy plan to ditch third-party cookies from Chrome
@forbes.com5 years ago
Will Google's Plan To Phase Out Cookies Choke Digital Advertising?
@WSJ5 years ago
Advertisers and ad agencies urged Google not to stop supporting third-party cookies in Chrome until there’s an alternative
@businessinsider.de5 years ago
How to enable cookies on an Android device in Google Chrome to save your data and optimize your web browsing
@golem.de6 years ago
Datenschutz: Google Maps bekommt Inkognito-Modus - -
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
Google says it won't stalk you across the web with cookies. Experts think it's a clever ploy to consolidate its ads empire.
@fvw.de4 years ago
Keine Cookie-Alternative: Google will kein Tracking für Werbung mehr durchführen
@n-tv.de4 years ago
Surfen im Netz wird anonymer: Google schafft personalisierte Werbung ab
@BBCWorld4 years ago
Google fined 100 million euros (£91m) in France for breaking country's rules on online advertising trackers known as cookies
@forbes.com5 years ago
New Google Alert As Experts Warn Chrome 80 Cookie Changes Could Break Websites
@horizont.net5 years ago
Aus für Third-Party-Cookies: Warum Google das richtige Signal aussendet -
@WSJ6 years ago
Google says blocking cookies entirely could harm privacy and suggests capping data obtained on users instead
@WSJ6 years ago
Google Chrome users are set to get more information on what cookies are tracking them and how to block them