Facebook, Google to be hit with tax in push to get platforms to fund news
@WSJ2 years ago
As tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook rush to build AI capabilities similar to ChatGPT, they need pricey chips. And as Heard on the Street’s @djtgallagher explains, that’s good for Nvidia. #WSJWhatsNowon.wsj.com t.co
@forbes.com2 years ago
Google Now Lets You Remove Your Personal Info From Search Results…And Other Small Business Tech News This Week
@forbes.com3 years ago
Here’s Why Facebook, Twitter And Google Shares Are Sinking Even As The Market Sits Near Record Highs
@fnp.de4 years ago
Impfpflicht für US-Mitarbeiter von Google und Facebook
@theguardian.com4 years ago
Trump filing class-action lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter and Google – live
@WSJ4 years ago
Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft are each a tech behemoth in their own right—and the ways they rely on one another as partners, while also competing as rivals, help shape Big Tech’s clout on.wsj.com
@rt.com4 years ago
Australia lashes out at Big Tech threats, says it’s ‘inevitable’ that Facebook & Google will pay for content
@n-tv.de4 years ago
Strenge Vorgaben für Web-Inhalte:EU will Macht von Google und Co. drosseln - n-tv NACHRICHTEN
@abc.net.au4 years ago
Australia wants to force Google and Facebook to pay for news. So, how will it work?
@variety.com4 years ago
Tech Q3 Earnings: Facebook, Google, Amazon Post Strong Revenue and Profit Gains
@thehill.com4 years ago
Hillicon Valley: CEOs of Google, Facebook and Twitter to testify before Senate | European Union police agency warns of increase in cybercrime | Twitter to remove posts hoping for Trump's death
@theguardian.com4 months ago
Meta and Google face ‘big tech tax’ as Labor plans how to ensure media sustainability in Australia
@spiegel.de2 years ago
(S+) Amazon, Google, Facebook: Was hinter den Massenentlassungen bei den Techkonzernen steckt - DER SPIEGEL
@rt.com3 years ago
Russia to take on US tech giants, including Google and Facebook
@rt.com3 years ago
Russia's parliament threatens to increase fines for American tech giants after Google fails to comply with country's internet laws
@vox.com4 years ago
Google and Facebook lead the way with Covid-19 vaccine mandates. Will corporate America follow?
@rt.com4 years ago
Trump SUING ‘Big Tech giants’ Facebook, Google and Twitter
@WSJ4 years ago
From @WSJopinion: A House hearing with the CEOs of Facebook, Google and Twitter shows how Big Tech is becoming a government enforcer on.wsj.com
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
Shareholders call on big advertisers Omnicom and Home Depot to investigate whether Facebook, Google, and Twitter's ads fuel violence and hate speech
@n-tv.de4 years ago
Strenge Vorgaben für Web-Inhalte: EU will Macht von Google und Co. drosseln
@forbes.com4 years ago
New UK Tech Regulator Set To Curb Facebook And Google
@cbsnews.com4 years ago
Facebook, Twitter and Google CEOs face Senate grilling
@rt.com4 years ago
A bit too late? Senate committee to grill Google, Facebook & Twitter CEOs on ‘domination & legal liability’ days before election
@qz.coma year ago
The EU is investigating Apple, Google, and Facebook under a sweeping new tech law
@faz.net2 years ago
Tech-Gehälter: „Google, Facebook und Apple zahlen zu viel“
@thehill.com3 years ago
Media groups divided over bill targeting Google, Facebook digital ad market power
@rt.com4 years ago
Google, Facebook & Microsoft top EU lobbying spending amid clampdown on Big Tech’s powers by Brussels – study
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
This startup works with Facebook and Google to steer internet users away from misinformation. Get an exclusive look at the pitch deck it used to land $7 million from VCs.
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
Groups representing Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Google are suing Florida over Gov. DeSantis' new bill banning online 'deplatforming'
@thehill.com4 years ago
Hillicon Valley: US Intel says Russia, Iran sought to influence elections | Advocates press Facebook to combat Spanish-language disinformation | Five attorneys general join lawsuit against Google
@thehill.com4 years ago
Hillicon Valley: Biden proposes big cyber investment | Facebook struggles with 'Stop the Steal' content | Google-Fitbit deal consummated
@theguardian.com4 years ago
Australia is making Google and Facebook pay for news: what difference will the code make?
@rt.com4 years ago
UK to set up ‘pro-competition regime’ to rein in dominance of tech giants Facebook & Google
@sueddeutsche.de4 years ago
Tech-Riese: USA leiten Monopolklage gegen Google ein
@rt.com4 years ago
US Senate committee approves subpoenaing heads of Twitter, FB & Google for hearing on tech firms’ legal immunity
@theconversation.com2 years ago
Canada's Online News Act may let Meta and Google decide the winners and losers in the media industry
@forbes.com2 years ago
Supreme Court To Consider Whether Tech Companies—Like Google, Facebook—Can Be Held Liable For Content Recommendations
@aljazeera.com3 years ago
Murdoch accuses Google, Facebook of silencing conservatives
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
10 things in tech: FB mask mandate — Musk's tantrums — Google chip
@thehill.com4 years ago
Hillicon Valley: Trump files lawsuit against Facebook, Twitter, and Google | New cyberattacks ramp up tensions with Russia | 36 states, DC sue Google alleging antitrust violations in app store
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
Facebook, Google, and other tech giants donated tens of thousands of dollars to a Republican group that's pushing voter suppression laws (FB, GOOGL)
@businessinsider.com4 years ago
The EU looks set to follow Australia's lead by demanding Google and Facebook pay for news articles
@WSJ4 years ago
France and the U.S. are at odds over taxes on the cross-border revenue generated at tech companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon on.wsj.com
@rt.com4 years ago
In world first, Australia moves to force Google & Facebook to pay local news outlets for content
@aljazeera.com4 years ago
UK to hit Google and Facebook with tougher competition rules
@sueddeutsche.de4 years ago
Tech-Riesen: USA leiten Monopolklage gegen Google ein - Süddeutsche Zeitung
@thehill.com4 years ago
Hillicon Valley: Productivity, fatigue, cybersecurity emerge as top concerns amid pandemic | Facebook critics launch alternative oversight board | Google to temporarily bar election ads after polls close