Google: «Το fact-checking δεν είναι κατάλληλο για τις υπηρεσίες μας» - Δεν θα συμμορφωθούμε με τον νέο νόμο της ΕΕ
@theguardian.com4 months ago
Meta and Google face ‘big tech tax’ as Labor plans how to ensure media sustainability in Australia
@theguardian.com7 months ago
Facebook and Google shouldn’t ‘ride free’ on the backs of media companies, Albanese says
@npr.orga year ago
From Amazon to Facebook and Google, here's how platforms can 'decay'
@vox.com2 years ago
Tax prep companies let Google and Facebook sell ads off your data
@WSJ2 years ago
As tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook rush to build AI capabilities similar to ChatGPT, they need pricey chips. And as Heard on the Street’s @djtgallagher explains, that’s good for Nvidia.
@faz.net2 years ago
Top-Ökonom Acemoğlu: Facebook und Google sind zu mächtig
@theconversation.com2 years ago
Breaking news: making Google and Facebook pay NZ media for content could deliver less than bargained for
@forbes.com2 years ago
Supreme Court To Consider Whether Tech Companies—Like Google, Facebook—Can Be Held Liable For Content Recommendations
@WSJ3 years ago
Heard on the Street: Google, Facebook and other online ad players are in for another tough quarter and beyond
@forbes.com3 years ago
Before Google, Facebook Or Twitter, Sona Mehring Created A Social Media Platform Fueled By Love
@nytimesworld3 years ago
The Canadian government introduced legislation on Tuesday that would require companies like the parents of Google and Facebook to pay the country’s media outlets for allowing links to news content on their platforms.
@faz.net3 months ago
Australien droht Google und Facebook mit Strafsteuer
@fastcompany.com5 months ago
Google, Meta, and TikTok shut down a Russian drone factory’s accounts over bombshell investigation
@qz.coma year ago
Apple not alone? DOJ and FTC taking swings at Facebook & Google
@forbes.coma year ago
How Google Pay Has Defied The Odds In India
@theconversation.com2 years ago
Canada's Online News Act may let Meta and Google decide the winners and losers in the media industry
@fastcompany.com2 years ago
Google will be more transparent about ads amid growing Biden administration scrutiny years ago
NASDAQ-Aktie Alphabet schließt mit Verlusten: Google-Mutter verdient noch weniger als erwartet -
@realclearpolitics.com2 years ago
As Twittergate Continues, What About Facebook & Google?
@forbes.com2 years ago
Google Now Lets You Remove Your Personal Info From Search Results…And Other Small Business Tech News This Week
@reason.com3 years ago
Accessing Google Drive, Using Inadvertently Revealed Long URL, Can Violate Computer Fraud & Abuse Act
@forbes.com3 years ago
Apple Slams Facebook And Google With Bold New Privacy Ad
@nytimesworld3 years ago
The Canadian government introduced legislation on Tuesday that would require companies like the parents of Google and Facebook to pay the country’s media outlets for allowing links to news content on their platforms. months ago
Facebook, Google to be hit with tax in push to get platforms to fund news
@dailydot.com5 months ago
‘Algorithmic warnings’: Study finds AI is a better lie detector than humans. It could be huge for Facebook, Google, TikTok misinfo
@qz.coma year ago
The EU is investigating Apple, Google, and Facebook under a sweeping new tech law
@dailydot.coma year ago
‘I occasionally sell on marketplace and this is the most common scam’: Facebook customer reveals Google Voice scam
@makthes.gr2 years ago
ΗΠΑ: Google, Facebook και Twitter δεν μπορούν να διωχθούν ως συνεργοί τρομοκρατικών οργανώσεων years ago
Google tests blocking news content for some Canadians in response to proposed online news laws
@spiegel.de2 years ago
(S+) Amazon, Google, Facebook: Was hinter den Massenentlassungen bei den Techkonzernen steckt - DER SPIEGEL
@WSJ2 years ago
New Zealand said it would seek to require online platforms like Alphabet’s Google and Facebook owner Meta Platforms to pay news publishers for content
@fastcompany.com3 years ago
‘Metaverse’ job openings are down 81% as Facebook, Apple, and Google roll back hiring
@WSJ3 years ago
Twitter and the parents of Facebook, Google and TikTok agreed to abide by tougher EU standards for policing online postings as Europe moves to curb online misinformation
@forbes.com3 years ago
Google May Soon Meet Its Newest Rival: Netflix
@forbes.com3 years ago
How Companies Can Promote Themselves Through Location-Based Google And Facebook Services months ago
'Thanks for noticing': Secret garden spotted on Google Earth 25 years after being built
@gazzetta.gr7 months ago
Μια «διάνοια» κατάφερε να κλέψει 122 εκατομμύρια δολάρια από το Facebook και την Google στέλνοντάς τους τυχαίους λογαριασμούς
@spiegel.dea year ago
Apple, Google und Facebook: EU-Kommission eröffnet Untersuchung wegen Marktmissbrauchs
@realclearpolitics.com2 years ago
How the Media Lost the Traffic War to Facebook & Google
@iefimerida.gr2 years ago
Google, Facebook και Twitter δεν μπορούν να διωχθούν για το περιεχόμενό τους, αποφάνθηκε το Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο
@faz.net2 years ago
Top-Ökonom Acemoğlu: Facebook und Google sind zu mächtig
@WSJ2 years ago
Google said the Supreme Court could "upend the internet" if it rules to scale back the liability shield protecting sites such as YouTube and Facebook
@faz.net2 years ago
Tech-Gehälter: „Google, Facebook und Apple zahlen zu viel“
@pcgameshardware.de3 years ago
Wegen Internet-Chaos: Google, Meta, Amazon und Microsoft gegen weitere Schaltsekunden - PC Games Hardware
@pcwelt.de3 years ago
Google Pixel 6a: Alles, was Sie wissen müssen - PC-WELT
@forbes.com3 years ago
In Slauson & Co., Google Investor Ron Conway Is Betting On More Than Money
@iefimerida.gr3 years ago
Ρωσία: Μετά το Facebook, τώρα κατηγορεί τη Google και το Youtube για «τρομοκρατικές δραστηριότητες»