@theguardian.com 4 months ago Meta and Google face ‘big tech tax’ as Labor plans how to ensure media sustainability in Australia
@aljazeera.com 3 years ago Murdoch accuses Google, Facebook of silencing conservatives
@rt.com 4 years ago In world first, Australia moves to force Google & Facebook to pay local news outlets for content
@theconversation.com 6 years ago Media Files: ACCC seeks to clip wings of tech giants like Facebook and Google but international effort is required
@theconversation.com 2 years ago Canada's Online News Act may let Meta and Google decide the winners and losers in the media industry
@rt.com 3 years ago Russia's parliament threatens to increase fines for American tech giants after Google fails to comply with country's internet laws
@rt.com 4 years ago A bit too late? Senate committee to grill Google, Facebook & Twitter CEOs on ‘domination & legal liability’ days before election
@reason.com 6 years ago Why Instapundit Glenn Reynolds Thinks Twitter, Facebook, and Google Should Be Busted Up
@spiegel.de 2 years ago (S+) Amazon, Google, Facebook: Was hinter den Massenentlassungen bei den Techkonzernen steckt - DER SPIEGEL
@rt.com 4 years ago Trump SUING ‘Big Tech giants’ Facebook, Google and Twitter
@theconversation.com 5 years ago Facebook and Google used to be the future of news. But now media companies need more strings to their bow
@rt.com 6 years ago Facebook, Twitter & Google to testify before Senate panel on censorship of conservatives
@thehill.com 3 years ago Media groups divided over bill targeting Google, Facebook digital ad market power
@theguardian.com 4 years ago Australia is making Google and Facebook pay for news: what difference will the code make?
@businessinsider.com 5 years ago An ad tech firm says it's helping publishers like Bloomberg and Vox Media punch back at Google and Facebook — by stealing a tactic from Facebook
@axios.com 6 years ago Exclusive: Google funds creation of new local media companies