@guardian 6 years ago Can you take on the EU and win? @yanisvaroufakis looks back at the negotiating tactics used against Greece, and what Theresa May could learn - listen here: gu.com t.co
@nytimesworld 8 years ago What will Donald Trump and Theresa May talk about in Friday's meeting? Trade, and NATO as "bulwark," May says… twitter.com
@documentonews.gr 7 years ago Ο Αλ. Τσίπρας μεταβαίνει στο Λονδίνο τη Δευτέρα για συνάντηση με την Τ. Μέι
@nytimesworld 8 years ago What will Donald Trump and Theresa May talk about in Friday's meeting? Trade, and NATO as "bulwark," May says… twitter.com
@guardian 8 years ago Theresa May says Nato has '100% backing' from Donald Trump trib.al t.co
@guardian 8 years ago Donald Trump '100% behind Nato', says Theresa May at White House press conference – live trib.al