@theconversation.com 2 months ago Human use of fire has produced an era of uncontrolled burning: Welcome to the Pyrocene
@theconversation.com 2 years ago ChatGPT: Chatbots can help us rediscover the rich history of dialogue
@theconversation.com 5 months ago ‘The waters become corrupt, the air infected’: here’s how Ancient Greeks and Romans grappled with environmental damage
@theconversation.com 2 years ago EU border agency Frontex accused of covering up human rights violations in Greece – the allegations explained
@theconversation.com 2 years ago Climate change threatens the rights of children. The UN just outlined the obligations states have to protect them
@theconversation.com 4 years ago Inside new refugee camp like a 'prison': Greece and other countries prioritize surveillance over human rights
@theconversation.com 2 years ago Deadly tragedy off the coast of Greece exposes how human traffickers are exploiting Pakistan's economic meltdown