@theconversation.com 9 months ago Whips, adultery and a ‘Loin King’: what is it about Tory political players writing scandalous books?
@spiegel.de 2 years ago Großbritannien: Scotland Yard leitet neue Ermittlungen zu Partygate-Affäre ein
@WSJ 2 years ago Boris Johnson, the former British prime minster, repeatedly misled lawmakers over lockdown parties during the Covid-19 pandemic, a U.K. report finds on.wsj.com
@abc.net.au 2 years ago Boris Johnson deliberately misled UK parliament over COVID-19 lockdown parties, report finds
@sueddeutsche.de 2 years ago Großbritannien: Anzeige gegen Boris Johnson wegen weiterer mutmaßlicher Lockdown-Verstöße
@n-tv.de 2 years ago Weitere Lockdown-Verstöße?: Regierungsbehörde zeigt Boris Johnson an
@abc.net.au 2 years ago Boris Johnson referred to police over new allegations of lockdown breaches
@n-tv.de 2 years ago 220.000 Tote insgesamt: Experte: Großbritannien hat zu Corona-Beginn versagt
@nytimesworld 2 years ago At issue is whether former Prime Minister Boris Johnson lied to his fellow British lawmakers about breaking lockdown rules. At stake are his seat in the House of Commons and hopes of resuscitating his political career. nyti.ms
@abc.net.au 2 years ago UK PM fined for failing to wear seatbelt in 'brief error of judgement' social media video
@spiegel.de 3 years ago Großbritannien: Labour-Chef Keir Starmer wird nicht wegen Lockdown-Partys belangt
@fnp.de 3 years ago Boris Johnson übersteht Misstrauensvotum: Ergebnis wird als schwere Niederlage gewertet
@thedailybeast.com a year ago Former Scottish Leader Called Boris Johnson a ‘F*cking Clown’ During Pandemic
@welt.de 2 years ago „Filmst du das?“ – Video zeigt Lockdown-Verstöße britischer Konservativer
@forbes.com 2 years ago Boris Johnson Deliberately Misled U.K. Parliament Over Covid Lockdown Parties, Investigation Finds
@faz.net 2 years ago Infolge der „Partygate“-Affäre: Ex-Premier Johnson tritt als Abgeordneter zurück
@news.google.com 2 years ago Boris Johnson: Anzeige gegen wegen mutmaßlicher Lockdown-Verstöße von britischem Ex-Premier - DER SPIEGEL
@news.google.com 2 years ago Weitere Lockdown-Verstöße?: Regierungsbehörde zeigt Boris Johnson an - n-tv NACHRICHTEN
@TheNewEuropean 2 years ago Boris Johnson is currently in Las Vegas, collecting six-figure sums for a speech. Meanwhile, back home, further criminal lockdown behaviour has just been uncovered. Has Britain ever had a more contemptible leader? t.co
@aljazeera.com 2 years ago UK’s Boris Johnson denies he lied over ‘Partygate’ scandal
@abc.net.au 2 years ago 'Half-baked account': Boris Johnson admits he misled parliament over lockdown parties
@guardian 2 years ago Boris Johnson reportedly joked about being at ‘UK’s most unsocially distanced party’ during lockdown theguardian.com
@axios.com 3 years ago Boris Johnson's government in crisis as two Cabinet ministers resign
@axios.com 3 years ago Boris Johnson survives no-confidence vote over lockdown parties
@welt.de 2 years ago Londoner Polizei ermittelt erneut zu „Partygate“-Skandal
@variety.com 2 years ago Boris Johnson Lands Daily Mail Column, a Day After Being Found to Have ‘Deliberately’ Misled U.K. Parliament
@spiegel.de 2 years ago Großbritannien: Abgeordnetenkomitee wirft Boris Johnson bewusste Täuschung des Parlaments vor
@fnp.de 2 years ago Wegen „Partygate“: Ex-Premier Johnson legt Mandat nieder
@spiegel.de 2 years ago Boris Johnson: Anzeige gegen wegen mutmaßlicher Lockdown-Verstöße von britischem Ex-Premier
@welt.de 2 years ago Boris Johnson erneut wegen möglicher Lockdown-Verstöße angezeigt
@guardian 2 years ago Boris Johnson referred to police over allegedly hosting friends at Chequers in lockdown theguardian.com
@faz.net 2 years ago Auftritt vor U-Ausschuss: Boris Johnsons Wahrheit
@fnp.de 2 years ago Ex-Premier Johnson räumt falsche Angaben im Parlament ein
@theconversation.com 2 years ago We were told to 'stay home' to stop COVID. Then our homes became disease hotspots
@telegraph.co.uk 3 years ago Tuesday evening UK news briefing: Rail strikes signal Britain's 'return to lockdown'
@fnp.de 3 years ago Boris Johnson übersteht Misstrauensvotum: Ergebnis wird als schwere Niederlage gewertet
@spiegel.de 2 years ago Illegale Lockdown-Feiern: Scotland Yard leitet neue Ermittlungen zu Partygate-Affäre ein
@abc.net.au 2 years ago 'Deliberate' misleadings and contempt: How the partygate scandal saw Boris Johnson walk out of UK Parliament
@variety.com 2 years ago Boris Johnson ‘Deliberately’ Misled U.K. Parliament Over ‘Partygate’ Scandal, Privileges Committee Finds
@guardian 2 years ago Ministers not involved in referring Boris Johnson to police over fresh lockdown breach allegations, justice secretary says – UK politics live theguardian.com
@faz.net 2 years ago Neue Anzeige gegen Boris Johnson wegen Lockdown-Verstößen
@fnp.de 2 years ago Boris Johnson wegen mutmaßlicher Lockdown-Verstöße angezeigt
@theconversation.com 2 years ago COVID pandemic: three years on and nobody wants to talk about it – here's why we should
@nytimesworld 2 years ago On Wednesday, lawmakers opened a hearing that could see Boris Johnson suspended — or even ejected — from Parliament as they investigate whether he lied to them about the lockdown-busting parties his staff held during the pandemic. nyti.ms
@telegraph.co.uk 2 years ago Britain's second lockdown was based on 'very wrong' Covid data, Boris Johnson feared
@theconversation.com 2 years ago Resignation honours: what are they, why are they so controversial and can the system ever be changed?
@fnp.de 3 years ago Boris Johnson übersteht Misstrauensvotum: Ergebnis wird als schwere Niederlage gewertet
@forbes.com 3 years ago U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson Survives Confidence Vote After ‘Partygate’ Scandal