@forbes.com 5 years ago Mississippi Lawmakers Put Competing Medical Marijuana Measure On Ballot, Frustrating Advocates
@reason.com 5 years ago San Francisco Bureaucrats Can Shoot Down Almost Any Housing Project They Want. This Ballot Initiative Would Change That.
@theintercept.com 5 years ago New York Democrats Just Passed a Measure That Could Take the Working Families Party Off the Ballot
@forbes.com 5 years ago In Red State Oklahoma, Medicaid Expansion Nears 2020 Ballot
@forbes.com 6 years ago Lawmakers Schedule Psychedelic Decriminalization Hearing In Oakland
@WSJ 6 years ago Opinion: A San Francisco ballot measure would allocate millions to homelessness relief without any clear plan, writes @moritzKBE on.wsj.com
@WSJ 7 years ago A new ballot measure in Florida to restore voting rights for some former felons is teeing up a high-stakes campaign in the critical swing state on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago Fight over assisted suicide moves to to Colorado with ballot measure next month on.wsj.com
@dailywire.com 5 years ago LANDSLIDE: Black Lives Matter Leader’s Ballot Measure Wins Big In Los Angeles County
@reason.com 5 years ago Brickbat: Make-Work Measure
@forbes.com 5 years ago California Supreme Court Strikes Down Trump Tax Return Law
@snopes.com 6 years ago Uber and Lyft Threaten $60 Million California Ballot Measure
@WSJ 6 years ago Denver voters narrowly approved a ballot measure to cease enforcement of laws against psychedelic mushrooms on.wsj.com
@WSJ 6 years ago Opinion: A ballot measure in Oklahoma next month would make it easier for patients to get vision care, if voters can overcome the medical lobby on.wsj.com
@WSJ 7 years ago Maine residents await results of ballot measure to expand Medicaid under the ACA, a key test of the law's popularity on.wsj.com
@WSJ 9 years ago Nondiscrimination ballot measure puts Houston in the middle of fight over gay rights and religious accommodation on.wsj.com
@forbes.com 5 years ago ‘Super Tuesday’ Election Has Double Meaning In San Diego
@theguardian.com 5 years ago Gray wolves, once nearly extinct, could be coming back to Colorado
@truthout.org 5 years ago NYC Scores Win for Democracy by Approving Ranked-Choice Voting Ballot Measure
@forbes.com 6 years ago Juul Readies Backdoor Plan To Dodge San Francisco E-Cigarette Ban With November Vote
@theatlantic.com 6 years ago San Francisco’s Mayor Opposes Proposition C for the Homeless
@WSJ 6 years ago Opinion: Massachusetts has some of the best medical care in the world, but a ballot measure next month could start its erosion by raising costs and reducing access on.wsj.com
@WSJ 7 years ago An Ohio ballot measure over high drug prices has become one of the most expensive ballot campaigns in U.S. history on.wsj.com
@WSJ 9 years ago California Lt. Gov. Newsom pushes ballot measure to tighten gun controls on.wsj.com
@dailywire.com 5 years ago Agency Tasked With Solving L.A. Homeless Crisis Discover 3,000 Apartments ‘It Didn’t Know About’
@reason.com 5 years ago San Francisco Ballot Measure Would Tax Empty Storefronts in Attempt to Boost Retail Sector
@WSJ 5 years ago Voters in Jersey City overwhelmingly approved a ballot measure to beef up rules for operating short-term rental properties in the city, a blow to Airbnb on.wsj.com
@dailywire.com 6 years ago Top Dems Help L.A. Teachers Union Push Annual $500 Million Property Tax ‘To Make Demands On’
@wsj.com 6 years ago Will Florida Measure Restoring Vote to 1.4 Million Ex-Prisoners Swing State?
@theintercept.com 6 years ago Wall Street Is Spending Big to Protect Its Ability to Jack Up Rents in California
@WSJ 7 years ago Ballot measure will decide on Medicaid expansion in Maine on.wsj.com
@WSJ 10 years ago On July 5, Greeks will vote 'yes' or 'no' to a ballot measure. But do they know what the real question is? on.wsj.com