Brexit: Ireland determined to avoid no-deal scenario as UK plays politics with the Irish border
@WSJ6 years ago
Is the U.S. at an inflection point? Is the Trump Administration? Either way, the phrase has carved its way into politics.
@nytimesworld6 years ago
Theresa May has rejected calls for another Brexit referendum, saying it would diminish faith in politics. But with Parliament paralyzed, is another plebiscite the only way out?
@WSJ6 years ago
Novey's new novel “Those Who Knew” examines power, politics and misogyny, in a compelling—but not preachy—way
@guardian6 years ago
'Long way from party of Churchill and Thatcher' - Hillary Clinton condemns Tories for backing Orbán - Politics live
“The Saudis may be using the Canadian example," says a scholar of Persian Gulf politics, "as a way to warn other governments that they will not accept criticism any longer of their management of their internal affairs."
@nytimesworld7 years ago
The number of migrants to Europe is way down, but the anti-immigrant politics they gave rise to in 2015 are far from subsiding. To cool the latest eruption, Angela Merkel has arranged an emergency meeting of European leaders most affected by migration
@nytimesworld7 years ago
For anyone wondering how Mexico and the United States are going to pull off the World Cup with diplomatic relations so poor, experts say: Keep politics out of the way and things should go smoothly.
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
Trump and Macron See the World Very Differently
@nytimesworld7 years ago
In Grimsby, the vote to leave the European Union was a vivid demonstration of the way emotions can transform politics and affect the economy
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
‘Wop’ Doesn’t Mean What Andrew Cuomo Thinks It Means
@realclearpolitics.com6 years ago
I Will Never Bow to the Mob
@WSJ6 years ago
Is the U.S. at an inflection point? Is the Trump Administration? Either way, the phrase has carved its way into politics.
@nytimesworld6 years ago
Theresa May has rejected calls for another Brexit referendum, saying it would diminish faith in politics. But with Parliament paralyzed, is another plebiscite the only way out? years ago
Merkel is on her way out – what now?
@guardian6 years ago
'Long way from party of Churchill and Thatcher' - Hillary Clinton condemns Tories for backing Orbán - Politics live
“The only way the PT remains relevant in Brazilian politics is if they have a really united front on Lula,” said Monica de Bolle, the director of Latin American studies at Johns Hopkins University. “The PT is Lula.”
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
The Atlantic Politics & Policy Daily: Do U Care?
@nytimesworld7 years ago
"The only way to bring politics closer to the people is to bring common people into politics.”
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
Europe's Last-Ditch Effort to Save the Iran Deal
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
The Atlantic Politics & Policy Daily: Macron America Great Again
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
The Reinvention of America
@nytimesworld6 years ago
The Trump-Netanyahu relationship has no precedent in their countries’ history —their politics, their scandals, even the way they attack opponents have similarities
@theintercept.com6 years ago
House Republicans Warn That Bill Combatting Big Money in Politics “Resembles Russian government Policy”
@nytimesworld6 years ago
Sri Lankan politics has descended to confusion, chaos, dysfunction and bitter rivalry. The country’s government has been paralyzed by a three-way duel between the president and two men claiming to be prime minister.
@theatlantic.com6 years ago
The Atlantic Politics & Policy Daily: ‘Certainly Looks That Way’
@theintercept.com7 years ago
A Grassroots Uprising in Amish Country Begins to Find Meaning in Politics
@theintercept.com7 years ago
Tom Carper and the Rise and Fall of the Delaware Way
@guardian7 years ago
May says Brexit plan being discussed at Chequers will mark 'substantial way forward' - Politics live
@nytimesworld7 years ago
Mexican politics has traditionally happened behind closed doors. Then came Ricardo Anaya. “He neutralized people in a spectacular way," one close associate said. "There’s obviously a cost to that.”
@nytimesworld7 years ago
"The only way to bring politics closer to the people is to bring common people into politics.”
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
How Marvel Is Rewriting Its World Order
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
The Dangerous Confusion of Trump's Celebrity Fans
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
Learning from 1968's Leading Anti-Immigration Alarmist years ago
The MPs disproving the theory that women cannot be mothers and politicians
@nytimesworld6 years ago
The support of Venezuela’s military, which plays an outsized role in the country’s politics as a power broker, will likely be the key in determining the way forward for the country.
@guardian6 years ago
Russian trolls prey on the toxic way we do our politics | Rafael Behr
@theatlantic.com6 years ago
How Newt Gingrich Broke American Politics
@TheNewEuropean7 years ago
Politics is getting in the way of good government, says AC Grayling
@nytimesworld7 years ago
In Argentina, optimism that the fallout from a huge corruption scandal will mark a before-and-after point in the country's politics. “This can’t be covered up anymore,” says a protester. “It’s way too big.”
@latenight7 years ago
Seth Meyers Finds Power in Laughing at Politics
@nytimesworld7 years ago
Mexican politics has traditionally happened behind closed doors. Then came Ricardo Anaya. “He neutralized people in a spectacular way," one close associate said. "There’s obviously a cost to that.”
@WSJ7 years ago
‘I think the morale there is probably as bad as I’ve seen it in my 22-year tenure.’ How sports colossus ESPN lost its way in era of cord-cutting and hyperpartisan politics
@nytimesworld7 years ago
In Grimsby, the vote to leave the European Union was a vivid demonstration of the way emotions can transform politics and affect the economy
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
Josh Rosen and the NFL's 'Ideal' Quarterback
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
Is the Senate Bill to Protect Mueller Constitutional?