@theatlantic.com 7 years ago Democrats Hope For Another Upset in Arizona
@WSJ 7 years ago All eyes are on Pennsylvania as voters fill its U.S. House seat in a special election. Polls close at 8 p.m. EDT on.wsj.com
@live.wsj.com 8 years ago Divided Voters 2016: Neighbors Survive Bitter Election
@WSJ 9 years ago A new poll of Pennsylvania voters shows Hillary Clinton holding a comfortable nine-point lead over Donald Trump on.wsj.com
@theatlantic.com 7 years ago The Atlantic Daily: What Do Americans Ask of a President?
@theatlantic.com 7 years ago Can Democrats Turn This Red Pennsylvania District Blue?
@guardian 8 years ago Trump tries to sell Pennsylvania voters on anti-Obamacare pitch – campaign live trib.al t.co
@live.wsj.com 9 years ago Bernie Sanders Slams New York Voter Registration Rule
@theatlantic.com 7 years ago People Voted for Trump Because They Were Anxious, Not Poor
@WSJ 7 years ago Pennsylvania primaries are only three months away, and voters still don’t know what their map of congressional districts will look like on.wsj.com
@BBCWorld 9 years ago US Election: Voters in Pennsylvania sound off bbc.in
@theatlantic.com 7 years ago The Reinvention of America
@theatlantic.com 7 years ago Can Democrats Flip a House Seat in a District Trump Won?
@WSJ 9 years ago Suburbanites, minority voters aid Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania. on.wsj.com