A Jehovah's Witness who fled Russia for Finland would like President Trump to ask President Putin a simple question: Why are Russians who pay their taxes, follow the law and embrace Christian values being forced to flee their country? nyti.ms
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
Trump Meets Putin While America Confronts Russia
@nytimesworld7 years ago
President Trump, adding to the list of allies he has clashed with this past week, said in an interview that he considered the European Union a trade “foe”nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
“Now you wouldn’t think of the European Union, but they’re a foe,” President Trump said. “Russia is a foe in certain respects. China is a foe economically, certainly a foe.” nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
President Trump is meeting the Russian president on Monday, but says he hadn't thought of asking for the extradition of Russian intelligence officers named in a U.S. hacking indictment nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
“Now you wouldn’t think of the European Union, but they’re a foe,” President Trump said. “Russia is a foe in certain respects. China is a foe economically, certainly a foe.” nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
A paragliding protester in Scotland unfurled a banner reading "Trump Well Below Par" for President Trump's arrival. A suspect was arrested and will appear in court on Monday. nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
“Vladimir Putin will give a real master class to this inexperienced politician,” predicted Sergei Mironov, a Kremlin-friendly politician, referring to the meeting with President Trump in Helsinki nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
Thousands protested President Trump's visit in Edinburgh on Saturday, and the Scottish police said that they were searching for a paraglider who sailed near his golf resort with a banner reading, “Trump Well Below Par” nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
Thousands protested President Trump's visit in Edinburgh on Saturday, and the Scottish police said that they were searching for a paraglider who sailed near his golf resort with a banner reading, “Trump Well Below Par” nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
Britain's prime minister is being urged to channel the actor Hugh Grant and confront President Trump nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
Leading up to his weekend in Scotland, President Trump has managed to repeatedly plug his Turnberry golf resort, alarming ethics experts who say he is using his presidential platform to promote a money-losing property nyti.ms
@WSJ7 years ago
In photos: A look back at past summits, as President Trump prepares to meet Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on.wsj.com
@nytimesworld7 years ago
In an interview, President Trump sought to lower expectations about his coming meeting with the President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
“I’ve been preparing for this stuff my whole life,” President Trump has said of his summit meeting with the Russian president. Follow our live updates. nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
“Not go into negotiation, sue them." The British prime minister said President Trump suggested that strategy for Brexit negotiations, but she had rejected it. "No, no, we are going into negotiations with them.” nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
The prime minister revealed the advice President Trump gave on how to negotiate Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union: Go straight to court nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
President Trump spent the eve of his first summit meeting with President Vladimir V. Putin finding fault with allies, Barack Obama and the news media nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
President Trump, adding to the list of allies he has clashed with this past week, said in an interview that he considered the European Union a trade “foe” nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
In an interview, President Trump sought to lower expectations about his coming meeting with the President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
Leading up to his weekend in Scotland, President Trump has managed to repeatedly plug his Turnberry golf resort, alarming ethics experts who say he is using his presidential platform to promote a money-losing property nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
As President Trump teed off at his golf course in Scotland, protesters shouted, “No Trump, no K.K.K., no racist U.S.A.” nyti.ms
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
Why American Spies Worry When Trump Meets Putin
@nytimesworld7 years ago
President Trump wants Canada to spend more on its military but are Canadians interested? nyti.ms
@BBCWorld7 years ago
Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in Helsinki for talks with US President Donald Trump Live coverage: bbc.in t.co
@WSJ7 years ago
At a joint press conference with the U.K. Prime Minister on Friday, President Donald Trump referred to a 'tough' and 'brutal' negotiating ploy on.wsj.com
@WSJ7 years ago
President Donald Trump plans to talk about a range of issues when he meets Monday with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Here are some of them: on.wsj.com
@nytimesworld7 years ago
“Now you wouldn’t think of the European Union, but they’re a foe,” President Trump said. “Russia is a foe in certain respects. China is a foe economically, certainly a foe.” nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
In an interview, President Trump sought to lower expectations about his coming meeting with the President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia nyti.ms
@WSJ7 years ago
“I’m not going with high expectations,” President Trump said in an interview ahead of his summit with Vladimir Putin on.wsj.com
@nytimesworld7 years ago
The prime minister revealed the advice President Trump gave on how to negotiate Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union: Go straight to court nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
Vladimir Putin “will show the difference between Twitter politics and real politics” in his meeting with President Trump, said one Kremlin-friendly politician nyti.ms
@WSJ7 years ago
President Trump spent Saturday at his golf resort in Scotland as 9,000 protesters marched through the country’s capital of Edinburgh. on.wsj.com
@guardian7 years ago
Let's drop the euphemisms: Donald Trump is a racist president trib.al
@nytimesworld7 years ago
Crime is on the rise in London and the city has been a target of terrorists. But is Mayor Sadiq Khan to blame, as President Trump suggested? nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
President Trump opened a new chapter in his animosity with London's mayor, Sadiq Khan in a vociferous interview published as he arrived in Britain nyti.ms
@WSJ7 years ago
Just hours before a one-on-one meeting with Russia's Vladimir Putin, President Trump tweets about 'many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity' on.wsj.com
@nytimesworld7 years ago
“Not go into negotiation, sue them." The British prime minister said President Trump suggested that strategy for Brexit negotiations, but she had rejected it. "No, no, we are going into negotiations with them.” nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
All that Vladimir Putin needs to make his meeting with President Trump a success is for it to take place — that alone would signify an end to Western efforts to isolate Russia nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
No one is sure how many times President Trump can shake the foundations of the international order before it comes down. And no one can say what may happen if it does. nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
As President Trump shakes the foundations of the global liberal order, could it break? nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
All that Vladimir Putin needs to make his meeting with President Trump a success is for it to take place — that alone would signify an end to Western efforts to isolate Russia nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
President Trump is meeting the Russian president on Monday, but says he hadn't thought of asking for the extradition of Russian intelligence officers named in a U.S. hacking indictment nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
The prime minister revealed the advice President Trump gave on how to negotiate Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union: Go straight to court nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
"Magical." While on the world stage this past week, President Trump has managed to plug a Scottish golf resort repeatedly, alarming ethics experts nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
Even some casual followers of the monarchy were aghast at the awkward interaction captured on video: Did President Trump really just walk in front of the 92-year-old queen? nyti.ms
@nytimesworld7 years ago
"Magical." While on the world stage this past week, President Trump has managed to plug a Scottish golf resort repeatedly, alarming ethics experts. nyti.ms
@guardian7 years ago
Let's drop the euphemisms: Donald Trump is a racist president trib.al