@WSJ 8 years ago Trump signs $1.1 trillion spending bill, avoiding government shutdown on.wsj.com
@theatlantic.com 8 years ago A Bipartisan Deal to Avert a Government Shutdown
@live.wsj.com 10 years ago Sanders Seeks Big Expansion in Government Spending
@WSJ 10 years ago Breaking: Senate passes $1.1 trillion spending bill, 56-40 on.wsj.com
@WSJ 10 years ago House passes $1.1 trillion spending bill ahead of midnight deadline on.wsj.com
@WSJ 10 years ago House Republican leaders delayed a vote on a $1.1 trillion spending bill as midnight deadline looms: on.wsj.com
@theatlantic.com 8 years ago The Atlantic Politics & Policy Daily: Comey’s Choice
@WSJ 8 years ago Saudi Arabia's energy minister says the oil industry needs $24 trillion in new capital spending on.wsj.com
@WSJ 10 years ago RT @MaryLuWSJ: Senate GOP budget would reduce spending by $5.1 trillion over 10 yrs, less than House GOP plan to cut $5.5 trillion. on.wsj.com
@live.wsj.com 10 years ago Senate Presses for Quick Passage of Spending Bill
@WSJ 10 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: The programs and agencies getting their budgets cut in the House's $1.1 trillion spending bill on.wsj.com t.co
@WSJ 10 years ago U.S. lawmakers agree on $1.1 trillion spending bill on.wsj.com
@theatlantic.com 8 years ago Trump's First Spending Deal Passes the House With Democrats' Help
@live.wsj.com 9 years ago White House Proposes New Cybersecurity Plan
@WSJ 10 years ago RT @NickTimiraos: House GOP budget would cut $5.5 trillion in spending over 10 years, provides surplus by 2025 on.wsj.com t.co
@live.wsj.com 10 years ago Government Shutdown Averted, for Now
@WSJ 10 years ago Breaking: House passes $1.1 trillion U.S. government spending bill for fiscal 2015 on.wsj.com
@WSJ 10 years ago Breaking: U.S. lawmakers agree on nearly $1.1 trillion spending bill to fund government through September 2015 on.wsj.com
@theatlantic.com 8 years ago A Bipartisan Spending Deal That Shortchanges Trump
@WSJ 9 years ago Breaking: House passes $1.15 trillion spending bill; Senate, White House expected to later approve wsj.com
@WSJ 10 years ago Obama signs $1.1 trillion spending bill, ensuring government shutdown will be averted: on.wsj.com
@WSJ 10 years ago House passes $1.1 trillion spending bill ahead of midnight deadline on.wsj.com
@live.wsj.com 10 years ago House Looks to Avert Government Shutdown