Whales use ‘phonic lips’ in nose to make loudest sounds of any animal, say scientists theguardian.com
@theconversation.com2 years ago
How tracking technology is transforming our understanding of animal behaviour
@dailywire.com2 years ago
After More Than A Century, Scientists Spot Bird For Second Time Ever
@choice.npr.org3 years ago
How many animal species have caught COVID? First global tracker has (partial) answers
@abc.net.au3 years ago
Huge groups of fin whales seen feeding in sign of hope for world's second-largest animal
@theguardian.com3 years ago
Ancient forest found at bottom of huge sinkhole in China
@abc.net.au3 years ago
How Melbourne Zoo's unique collection of animal blood samples is helping scientists protect vulnerable species
@rt.com3 years ago
Domestication made cats’ brains smaller, scientists find
@abc.net.au3 years ago
Sad end for sperm whale in Tasmania a boon for science
@vox.com4 years ago
The wild frontier of animal welfare
@rt.com4 years ago
Scientists produce new ‘Map of Life’ which they claim shows where species unknown to science may be found
@abc.net.au4 years ago
Sea slugs can remove their heads and regrow their bodies, scientists discover
@npr.org2 years ago
What does the science say about the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic?
@abc.net.au2 years ago
Viral video of whale sharks feeding helps scientists understand 'complex' animal behaviours
@guardian2 years ago
Scientists rush to create vaccine for world’s biggest animal disease outbreak theguardian.com
@snopes.com3 years ago
‘Earliest Animal Predator’ Named After David Attenborough
@theconversation.com3 years ago
Photos from the field: diving with Tasmania's rare and elusive red handfish, your new favourite animal
@axios.com3 years ago
Climate change could spark animal-to-human pandemics
@theguardian.com3 years ago
Good riddance to the koala bear, Australia's most useless animal! | First Dog on the Moon
@forbes.com3 years ago
What We Can Learn From Non-Fatal Shark Bites
@snopes.com3 years ago
US Says Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, 22 Other Species Extinct
@theconversation.com4 years ago
Environmental DNA – how a tool used to detect endangered wildlife ended up helping fight the COVID-19 pandemic
@theconversation.com4 years ago
Origin of the Covid-19 virus: the trail of mink farming
@abc.net.au4 years ago
Ferret becomes first endangered native species to be cloned in the US
@theguardian.com2 years ago
Food for thought: carbon footprint of salmon and chicken farming mostly stems from feed, study suggests
@telegraph.co.uk2 years ago
Stranded dolphins may be getting lost because they have animal Alzheimer's disease
@theconversation.com2 years ago
The night is full of animal life, but scientists know very little about it
@WSJ3 years ago
Large numbers of fin whales—the second-largest animal species on Earth after blue whales—have returned to their ancestral feeding areas near Antarctica for the first time in decades, scientists said on.wsj.com
@forbes.com3 years ago
Why It’s So Hard To Talk About Decarbonizing Food, And Especially Meat
@vox.com3 years ago
We have the best view yet of Covid-19’s origins. What should we do about it?
@theguardian.com3 years ago
Tracking echidna poo unearths largest ever sightings of elusive species across Australia
@abcnews.go.com3 years ago
Climate change is affecting when one species gives birth, scientists say
@rt.com4 years ago
Inhaled nanobodies could be new secret weapon against severe Covid cases, animal trials suggest
@theconversation.com4 years ago
As scientists move closer to making part human, part animal organisms, what are the concerns?
@WSJ4 years ago
Scientists will likely discover the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic within the next few years, after they pursue and zero in on an animal source for the virus, a member of an international team of investigators led by the World Health Organization said on.wsj.com
@dailywire.com4 years ago
Scientists Clone Endangered American Animal For First Time
@theconversation.com2 years ago
Ancient poop offers unusual insight into animal behaviour
@abc.net.au2 years ago
Big floods rejuvenate our landscape, but they also have a 'sting in the tail' for nature
@vox.com3 years ago
Listen to the heartbeat of the largest animal to have ever lived
@WSJ3 years ago
Two brain-dead patients whose bodies were donated to science received genetically modified pig-heart transplants, as scientists aim to launch clinical trials on animal-to-human organ transplants on.wsj.com
@BBCWorld3 years ago
Why scientists are also watching animal YouTube videos bbc.in
@theconversation.com3 years ago
Deer, mink and hyenas have caught COVID-19 – animal virologists explain how to find the coronavirus in animals and why humans need to worry
@telegraph.co.uk3 years ago
Slump in otter population a wake-up call over state of Britain’s dirty rivers
@telegraph.co.uk3 years ago
World's first 'living robots' start to reproduce
@rt.com4 years ago
Animal conservation groups call for reintroduction of JAGUARS to US Southwest
@theguardian.com4 years ago
Just 3% of world’s ecosystems remain intact, study suggests
@theconversation.com4 years ago
New study reveals the secrets of an ancient, extinct super predator
@telegraph.co.uk4 years ago
1.65 million-year-old mammoth tooth is 'world's oldest DNA', scientists say