@nytimesworld 6 years ago The Hong Kong government says it must ensure political candidates sincerely believe the city is part of China. But democracy supporters barred from running say the authorities are using technicalities to thwart dissent. nyti.ms
@WSJ 7 years ago BeiGene is one of several drugmakers and biotech firms seeking to raise funds in Hong Kong after the city revamped its listing rules on.wsj.com
@guardian 7 years ago Hong Kong – city walking guide: Wan Chai district trib.al
@nytimesworld 7 years ago The first self-service laundromat opened in Hong Kong just four years ago. Now there are already more than 180 of them all over the city. nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 8 years ago Hong Kong police question account of abduction that raised fears of authoritarian China’s influence over the city nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 8 years ago The @nytimes bureau in Hong Kong, a fixture in the city for decades, has been replaced by a large NYT newsroom. nyti.ms
@guardian 8 years ago How China changed Hong Kong: views from the city trib.al
@guardian 8 years ago Hong Kong democracy activists charged day after new city leader elected trib.al
@nytimesworld 8 years ago Hong Kong tried a pedestrian zone in the middle of the city. Thousands turned up. nyti.ms t.co
@nytimesworld 9 years ago Alien object in movie poster prompts outcry in Hong Kong. No, it's not the giant spacecraft hanging over the city. nyti.ms
@guardian 9 years ago Hong Kong named world's most expensive city for expats trib.al
@nytimesworld 9 years ago The cinematographer Christopher Doyle turns his camera on the details of Hong Kong, a city in rebellion. nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 7 years ago 10 photos from Hong Kong, as the city assesses the damage after the most intense storm to hit the city since 1946 [corrected typo] nyti.ms
@guardian 7 years ago Hong Kong: the city still shaped by feng shui trib.al
@guardian 7 years ago Hong Kong – city walking guide: Victoria Peak to Admiralty trib.al
@nytimesworld 7 years ago Despite the high volume of ivory that passes through the city, a poll indicates most Hong Kong residents do not think it should be sold nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 8 years ago Hong Kong plans to allow mainland Chinese officials to enforce their laws in a city rail terminal nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 8 years ago If Beijing thinks Hong Kong should be like Macau, known for its obedience, “we are finished,” a city leader says nyti.ms
@theatlantic.com 8 years ago Pearl of The Orient: Scenes From Hong Kong
@live.wsj.com 8 years ago Hong Kong Remakes Beer Pong: Is That So Wrong?
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @ChinaRealTime: Quiet racing in noisy city: Formula E comes to Hong Kongon.wsj.com t.co
@WSJ 9 years ago London falls behind New York and Hong Kong in most expensive city rankings on.wsj.com
@guardian 9 years ago Why Elon Musk says Hong Kong will be the 'beacon city' for electric cars trib.al
@live.wsj.com 10 years ago What Happened to Hong Kong’s Occupy Movement?
@nytimesworld 7 years ago 10 Photos From Hong Kong: The storm brought drenching rains and 11-foot surges of seawater; shook and damaged buildings; and left dozens injured in the city nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 7 years ago Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997 with the promise that it could maintain its own political and economic systems for 50 years. But many in the city believe that its freedoms are already eroding nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 7 years ago A dispute in Hong Kong over whether to redevelop an elite golf course into public housing has pit haves versus have-nots in the world's most expensive city nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 7 years ago Agnes Chow, barred from running for office in Hong Kong, called the ruling “a declaration to the city that our political rights are handicapped” nyti.ms
@WSJ 8 years ago Hong Kong scion Adrian Cheng bets billions on transforming the Avenue of Stars into the "creative heart" of the city on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago Since Britain gave Hong Kong back to China in 1997, a wave of immigrants from the mainland have flooded the city… twitter.com
@nytimesworld 8 years ago Hong Kong authorities denied permission for a pro-democracy rally at a city park nyti.ms t.co
@nytimesworld 8 years ago Ex-governor of Hong Kong: Independence for city “is not going to happen.” nyti.ms t.co
@nytimesworld 8 years ago Hong Kong tried a pedestrian zone in the middle of the city. Thousands turned up. nyti.ms t.co
@nytimesworld 9 years ago “Hong Kong has become an authoritarian city,” says a candidate who was barred from elections nyti.ms t.co
@nytimesworld 9 years ago An editor’s disappearance has many in Hong Kong fearful of Beijing’s reach into the city nyti.ms t.co
@live.wsj.com 10 years ago What Happened to Hong Kong’s Occupy Movement?
@nytimesworld 7 years ago 10 photos from Kong Kong, as the city assesses the damage after the most intense storm to hit the city since 1946. nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 7 years ago Hong Kong was returned to China in 1997 with the promise that it could maintain its own political and economic systems for 50 years. But many in the city believe that its freedoms are already eroding. nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 7 years ago The first self-service laundromat opened in Hong Kong just four years ago. Now there are already more than 180 of them all over the city. nyti.ms
@nytimesworld 7 years ago Agnes Chow, barred from running for office in Hong Kong, called the ruling “a declaration to the city that our political rights are handicapped” nyti.ms
@WSJ 8 years ago Hong Kong scion Adrian Cheng bets billions on transforming the Avenue of Stars into the "creative heart" of the city on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago Modern Hong Kong is a city of immigrants who left mainland China because they didn’t like what was happening there… twitter.com
@nytimesworld 8 years ago Hong Kong authorities deny permission for a pro-democracy rally at a city park nyti.ms t.co
@nytimesworld 8 years ago Hong Kong tried a pedestrian zone in the middle of the city. Thousands turned up. nyti.ms t.co
@guardian 9 years ago Anger in Hong Kong as Arrival poster shifts Shanghai landmark to city trib.al
@BBCWorld 9 years ago RT @BBCNewsAsia: Hong Kong is the world's most expensive city for expats bbc.in t.co
@BBCWorld 9 years ago Canada's Miss World entry says she was barred from boarding plane from Hong Kong to Chinese city hosting the event bbc.in
@WSJ 10 years ago RT @WSJD: Here are six new Hong Kong companies that are making the city into a startup hub bit.ly t.co