U.S. Veteran Fights Against Islamic State in Syria
@spiegel.de10 years ago
Battle for Kobani: As the World Watches, Turkey Looks Away
@BBCWorld10 years ago
RT @BBCBreaking: US carries out 25 air strikes in Iraq & Syria hitting Islamic State held oil refineries, vehicles & gun positions, says US Central Command
@spiegel.de10 years ago
Nine Days in the Caliphate: A Yazidi Woman's Ordeal as an Islamic State Captive
@live.wsj.com10 years ago
Apparent Strikes Hit Islamic State Targets Near Kobani
@live.wsj.com10 years ago
Syria Oil Fuels Strife Between ISIS and Kurds
@spiegel.de10 years ago
The 'Caliphate's' Colonies: Islamic State's Gradual Expansion into North Africa
@live.wsj.com10 years ago
Inside Kurdish-Controlled Syria
@WSJ10 years ago
RT @samdagher: This is first of stories from time spent in northeast #Syria - Kurds fight Islamic State to claim piece of Syria on.wsj.com @WSJ
@spiegel.de10 years ago
Bound for Syria: German Kurds Join Fight against Islamic State
@WSJ10 years ago
RT @TaylorUmlauf: Iraqi Kurdish fighters head to Kobani, Syria, to join in the fight against Islamic State on.wsj.com t.co