Limpiar un vertedero ilegal de Jordi Pujol Ferrusola costará hasta 159 millones
@nytimesworld7 years ago
Independence and rebellion take their place in the discussion on Catalonia's special day, the Feast of Sant Jordi. Usually, the main commodities are books and flowers.
@guardian7 years ago
I’m in prison for defending Catalonia’s rights. Spain must free us immediately | Jordi Cuixart
@guardian9 years ago
Jordi Cruyff: Because of my name I’m not a guy who can make mistakes via @guardian_sport
@guardian10 years ago
Ireland’s Jordi Murphy backed to fill Jamie Heaslip void against England
@elpais.com6 years ago
Una cooperante gallega y un ingeniero catalán, las dos víctimas españolas del accidente de avión en Etiopía
@nytimesworld7 years ago
The Feast of Sant Jordi is a special day in Catalonia. Men and women exchange roses and books to celebrate the special day of the region's patron saint. But this year, politics is moving in.
@guardian7 years ago
The violent side of Spain has resurfaced. We Catalans must cut loose | Jordi Borrell Celades
@guardian10 years ago
Barcelona’s Jordi Alba to sign new contract with €150m release clause
@live.wsj.com10 years ago
Paris Attack: The Most Dramatic Moments
@elpais.com6 years ago
El PDeCAT consuma su cisma y apuesta por afines a Puigdemont para el 28-A
@BBCWorld7 years ago
Catalonia Spain: Judge refuses to release Jordi Sanchez for investiture
@guardian8 years ago
Jordi Cruyff: why I sacked myself after eight wins and a draw from nine games via @guardian_sport
@guardian10 years ago
Swansea’s Jordi Amat to miss remainder of season with broken metatarsal
@guardian6 years ago
Jordi Alba seals Barcelona win over Internazionale despite no Lionel Messi
@nytimesworld7 years ago
The political committee of Catalonia's CUP party announced that its lawmakers would abstain from voting if two larger separatist parties presented Jordi Sanchez as candidate to lead the restive region