@forbes.com 6 years ago Russia And China Only Look Like They Are Becoming Buddies. It's Mostly Talk.
@forbes.com 6 years ago NATO At 70: How Strong Is Public Support?
@WSJ 7 years ago Michael Cohen and the National Enquirer's publisher forged an alliance over the years. Now investigators are trying to understand all the favors they traded. on.wsj.com
@nytimesworld 10 years ago News Analysis: A Strained Alliance: Obama-Netanyahu Rift Grew Over Years nyti.ms
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@WSJ 10 years ago RT @PaulSonne: Nearly 40 years after Apollo-Soyuz, US-Russia space alliance sees turbulence amid worsening relations. on.wsj.com
@theconversation.com 6 years ago An anti-Brexit party just made an extraordinary breakthrough in Northern Ireland
@qz.com 6 years ago The cost of internet access dropped everywhere in the world last year—except in Africa
@theatlantic.com 7 years ago How a Saudi-Israeli Alliance Could Benefit the Palestinians
@rt.com 6 years ago Is Russia a better ‘gift’ to NATO’s 70th birthday than money? (VIDEO)
@WSJ 6 years ago Khashoggi's killing poses Trump with a dilemma: How to punish the Saudi Arabia without jeopardizing an alliance he has spent two years cultivating on.wsj.com
@BBCWorld 9 years ago RT @BBCBreaking: Nato invites Montenegro to join the alliance, in its first expansion for six years bbc.in