Jim Jordan: Dems out to 'destroy' Bill Barr and derail his FBI review
@thinkprogress.org6 years ago
Wray refutes FBI ‘spying’ claims, contradicting both Barr and Trump
@abcnews.go.com6 years ago
FBI director splits with Barr on use of term 'spying'
@foxnews.com6 years ago
GOP Sen. Hawley calls ex-FBI agent's 'open disdain' for Trump the 'real crisis' during Barr testimony
@realclearpolitics.com6 years ago
Barr Is Right to Investigate FBI Actions During 2016
@realclearpolitics.com6 years ago
Barr Is Right to Investigate FBI Actions During 2016
@foxnews.com6 years ago
Comey says he had 'no idea what the heck' Barr meant by saying 'spying did occur' on Trump campaign
@foxnews.com6 years ago
Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI
@politico.com6 years ago
Barr: I think FBI spying on Trump campaign ‘did occur’
@reuters.com6 years ago
No plan yet for Barr to brief U.S. Congress on Mueller findings: sources
@dailywire.com6 years ago
Attorney General Hasn’t Responded To Request For Information On Conflicted FBI Agents Investigating Russia Collusion
@foxnews.com6 years ago
Sessions sides with Barr over FBI's 'spying' on Trump campaign
@snopes.com6 years ago
FBI Chief: No Evidence of Illegal Spying on Trump Campaign
@foxnews.com6 years ago
FBI 'owes the president an apology' after Trump campaign 'spying' surfaces: Geraldo Rivera
@foxnews.com6 years ago
James Comey pens scathing Trump op-ed: 'He eats your soul in small bites'
@rt.com6 years ago
'PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT!': Trump lashes out at ‘greatest political hoax’ ahead of Mueller report
@realclearpolitics.com6 years ago
The Rules Have Been Changed to Try to Get Trump
@politico.com6 years ago
Trump: 'There was absolutely spying into my campaign'
@spiegel.de6 years ago
Trump-Wahlkampf 2016: Barr wirft dem FBI Spionage vor - SPIEGEL ONLINE
@rt.com6 years ago
'Spying did occur' by intelligence agencies on Trump campaign - AG Barr
@aljazeera.com6 years ago
House panel OKs measure on FBI records of Trump obstruction probe
@foxnews.com6 years ago
Rosenstein says America should trust Barr's handling of Mueller report
@cbsnews.com6 years ago
James Comey says Barr summary of Mueller report was "misleading," "inadequate"
@foxnews.com6 years ago
Split with Barr? FBI Director Wray says surveillance not the same as ‘spying’
@forbes.com6 years ago
Adding A Psychological Angle To Comey’s Withering Condemnation Of Barr And Other Trump Apologists
@politico.com6 years ago
Comey has harsh words for Barr and Rosenstein: Trump has 'eaten your soul'
@foxnews.com6 years ago
William McGurn on FBI investigation into Trump campaign: ‘The key is the Attorney General needs a grand jury’
@realclearpolitics.com6 years ago
Media Can't Admit Spying Because They Are Complicit
@sueddeutsche.de6 years ago
Russland-Ermittlungen: US-Justizminister bezichtigt FBI der Spionage
@faz.net6 years ago
Amerikanischer Justizminister Barr unterstellt FBI Spionage gegen Trumps Team
@rt.com6 years ago
AG Barr forms team to probe FBI's Trump-Russia collusion probe for bias – report
@msnbc.com6 years ago
Possible Mueller testimony to Congress likely to face contention
@WSJ6 years ago
Opinion: William Barr, nominee for attorney general, can be trusted. He acted with courage the last time an FBI director was dismissed, writes Thomas J. Baker on.wsj.com
@msnbc.com6 years ago
FBI's Wray isn't on board with Barr's talk of campaign 'spying'
@abcnews.go.com6 years ago
FBI director splits with Barr on use of term 'spying'
@nymag.com6 years ago
Comey Calls Trump a Devourer of Souls
@foxnews.com6 years ago
Barr vows to ‘reconstruct’ origins of Russia probe, learn extent of FBI surveillance
@WSJ6 years ago
Opinion: Only the threat of indictment will get William Barr to the truth—and reform the FBI, writes @wjmcgurnon.wsj.com
@foxnews.com6 years ago
Comey scoffs at Barr testimony, claims ‘surveillance’ is not ‘spying’
@snopes.com6 years ago
Barr Says ‘I Think Spying Did Occur’ on Trump Campaign
@politico.com6 years ago
POLITICO Playbook PM: Barr backs up Trump on FBI spying allegations
@foxnews.com6 years ago
Sen. Chuck Grassley: Devin Nunes did a great service to the American people
@foxnews.com6 years ago
Lindsey Graham will probe alleged FISA abuses at FBI, calls on Barr to appoint new special counsel