Podcast: An editor murdered in Kashmir signals the erosion of press freedom
@WSJ6 years ago
The shocking surprise since 1989 is that democratic values are under threat even in the mature democracies, says historian Margaret MacMillan on.wsj.com
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
The Trump Administration Convenes the ‘Super Bowl’ of Religious Freedom
@theatlantic.com8 years ago
Khizr Khan on the Constitution
@BBCWorld8 years ago
RT @BBCJamesCook: White House: "strongly condemns the detention of hundreds of peaceful protestors throughout Russia...an affront to core democratic values."
@nytimesworld8 years ago
Amid allegations of atrocities, is Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's status as an exemplar of democratic values in jeopardy?… twitter.com
@theconversation.com6 years ago
Don't blame Sharia for Islamic extremism -- blame colonialism
@nytimesworld6 years ago
What you need to know, no matter where you are, is that this is an international battle between competing democratic values, made more difficult by our increasingly networked world. nyti.ms
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
Why Is a Liberal LGBT Activist One of Trump's Nominees?
@theatlantic.com8 years ago
Progressive Values Can't Be Just Secular Values
@spiegel.de8 years ago
Democracy in Europe: EU Commissioner Pushes for Hard Line on Poland
@nytimesworld8 years ago
Amid allegations of atrocities, is Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's status as an exemplar of democratic values in jeopardy? t.co
@theatlantic.com6 years ago
Russian-Style Kleptocracy Is Infiltrating America
@theatlantic.com6 years ago
A Fatal Abandonment of American Leadership
@nytimesworld7 years ago
“I am trying to show the people what it means to fight for an institution, what it means to fight for democratic values,” said the Philippine chief justice, who faces impeachment nyti.ms
@guardian8 years ago
Turkey, a year after the attempted coup, is defending democratic values | Recep Tayyip Erdoğan trib.al
@nytimesworld8 years ago
In rural Europe, “victory belonged to coalitions that weren’t biggest fans of liberal democracy & democratic values… twitter.com
@guardian9 years ago
Shami Chakrabarti: ‘How do we keep up the fight for democratic values? With solidarity and storytelling’ trib.al
@WSJ6 years ago
The shocking surprise since 1989 is that democratic values are under threat even in the mature democracies, says historian Margaret MacMillan on.wsj.com
@theintercept.com7 years ago
Sheryl Sandberg Misled Congress About Facebook’s Conscience
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
America's Political Divide Intensified During Trump's First Year As President
@theatlantic.com8 years ago
How Civic Obligations, Education and Federalism Can Save America
@nytimesworld8 years ago
In rural Europe, “victory belonged to coalitions that weren’t biggest fans of liberal democracy & democratic values… twitter.com
@WSJ10 years ago
More Americans identify with Democratic values than Republican - yet Democrats are struggling stay in elected office on.wsj.com