Fundament für Apps: Apple und Google kooperieren bei Corona-Kampf
@spiegel.de5 years ago
Huawei P40 Pro vorgestellt: Smartphone-Versuch ohne Google
@qz.com5 years ago
South Koreans are using smartphone apps to avoid the novel coronavirus
@chip.de5 years ago
Schadhafte Apps für Android-Smartphones entdeckt: Diese Anwendungen sollten Sie entfernen - CHIP Online Deutschland
@forbes.com5 years ago
5 Things Businesses Need From The Future Digital Workplace, Including More Intimate Communications years ago
When Elle got a smart watch, it set off alarm bells for her father — so he tried to hack it
@faz.net5 years ago
Voll analog, ey - F.A.Z. - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
@t3n.de5 years ago
Münchener Landgericht verbietet Apps von Whatsapp, Facebook und Instagram in Deutschland - t3n Magazin
@dailydot.com5 years ago
Android security flaw could have let hackers hijack your phone’s camera
@forbes.com5 years ago
Risk-Averse Marketers, Your Days Are Numbered
@WSJ5 years ago
Smartphone apps can usually find users quickly and effortlessly, but 911 is often less accurate at finding callers from their cellphones. @SpencerMacna explains what’s being done to make 911 services more precise.
@forbes.com6 years ago
How Safe Is Huawei's Google Loophole?
@aljazeera.com5 years ago
S Korea's smartphone apps tracking coronavirus won't stop buzzing
@welt.de5 years ago
Diese Apps erleichtern den Alltag in Corona-Zeiten
@forbes.com5 years ago
How To Wireless Print From Your iPhone, iPad Or Android Smartphone
@heise.de5 years ago
Samsung: Im Iran keine Bezahl-Apps im eigenen App Store mehr - heise online
@qz.com5 years ago
Charted: India’s love for smartphone apps is not an obsession anymore, it’s a mania
@spiegel.de5 years ago
Download-Tipps: Zehn Smartphone-Apps, die sich besonders lohnen
@faz.net5 years ago
Voll analog, ey - FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
@heise.de5 years ago
Super-Apps: Smartphone-Plattformen verlieren mit 5G an Bedeutung - heise online
@dailydot.com5 years ago
Android security flaw could have let hackers hijack your phone’s camera
@businessinsider.de5 years ago
Google Maps will now let users share the locations of police speed traps, similar to apps like Waze (GOOG, GOOGL)
@winfuture.de6 years ago
Huawei hat keine Pläne, den Bootloader vom Mate 30 (Pro) freizugeben - WinFuture
@n-tv.de6 years ago
Von Stellplatz bis Wasserwaage: Diese Apps lohnen sich für Camper
@sueddeutsche.de5 years ago
Handydaten: Mit diesen Apps kämpft die Welt gegen das Virus
@notebookcheck.com5 years ago
Huawei erleichtert das Finden seiner Lieblingsapps abseits von Google Play - Notebookcheck
@sueddeutsche.de5 years ago
Smartphonesucht: Weg mit dem Handy
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Some smartphone games and weather apps are reportedly feeding location data into a database that the Trump administration is using to enforce its border crackdown
@chip.de5 years ago
Auf Milliarden Smartphones installiert: Diese schädlichen Kamera-Apps sollten Sie deinstallieren - CHIP Online Deutschland
@fastcompany.com5 years ago
27+ smartphone apps you should delete before 2020
@welt.de5 years ago
Lego zerstört die Baustein-Idee
@netzwelt.de5 years ago
Weihnachts-Apps: Diese 15 Apps sorgen für eine festliche Advendsstimmung -
@qz.com5 years ago
Seven ways to deal with smartphone stress
@forbes.com5 years ago
The 15 Best Investment Apps for Everyday Investors
@rt.com6 years ago
Huawei rolls out new flagship phones without Google apps amid US trade war with China
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
This credit-card-sized phone can only do 3 things, and doesn't have any apps — and it might be the key to freeing us from our smartphones
@forbes.com5 years ago
Surge Of Smartphone Apps Promise Coronavirus Tracking, But Raise Privacy Concerns
@faz.net5 years ago
Apps in Corona-Zeiten: Das Virus treibt die Menschen ans Smartphone
@n-tv.de5 years ago
Faltbar und kostspielig:Neues Huawei-Smartphone kommt ohne Google-Apps - n-tv NACHRICHTEN
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Huawei sold more smartphones than Apple in 2019 despite the fact that its new phones can't run Google apps — but it's not so surprising
@businessinsider.de5 years ago
Bernie Sanders says his smartphone doesn't have any apps, and he doesn't have an Amazon Prime subscription (AMZN)
@faz.net5 years ago
Gegen die Smartphone-Sucht: Voll analog, ey
@t3n.de5 years ago
Gericht verbietet Apps von Whatsapp, Facebook und Instagram in Deutschland - t3n Magazin
@businessinsider.de5 years ago
Google is launching a new 'Focus Mode' feature for Android devices to help break our smartphone addiction (GOOG, GOOGL)
@n-tv.de5 years ago
Schnell und bequem: Ist Bezahlen per App wirklich sicher?
@n-tv.de5 years ago
Mit Dongle und App: Ältere Autos zum Smartcar wandeln
@theguardian.com6 years ago
Huawei forced to launch Mate 30 phone without Google apps