The euro fell slightly after the first exit polls showed a “no” vote in Italy’s constitutional referendum
@nytimesworld9 years ago
Britain, whose storied history includes birth of constitutional government, enters unknown territory with Leave vote
@BBCWorld10 years ago
RT @JonahFisherBBC: Coverage of the Burmese constitutional vote is exclusive to Facebook and social media. Parliament TV showing repeat of morning session.
@live.wsj.com8 years ago
After Brexit and Trump, Is Italy Next? An Explainer
RT @JonahFisherBBC: Vote imminent in Burmese parliament on bill to remove army veto over constitutional change. Will be secret ballot against opposition wishes.
@WSJ8 years ago
RT @WSJPolitics: “I just saw a constitutional crisis on television,” says one voter. He will vote for Gary Johnson.
All bar the Tories want constitutional reform. Another reason to vote them out | Polly Toynbee
@nytimesworld9 years ago
RT @motokorich: Still too close to call on whether Japan's ruling party gets its 2/3 vote for Constitutional rewrite. My first take
@BBCWorld10 years ago
RT @JonahFisherBBC: Sources in parliament say results in from Burmese constitutional vote. Burmese army veto remains - only one of 6 amendments approved.
@guardian10 years ago
Protesters storm Burkina Faso’s parliament before constitutional vote via @guardian