@guardian 10 years ago What's happening where you are? Share your polling day photos via @GuardianWitness gu.com #ge2015 t.co
@guardian 10 years ago What I saw at the Nigerian polling booths was inspirational. Brits could learn from it | Chitra Nagarajan trib.al
@guardian 10 years ago Nigeria reopens some polling stations after election glitches trib.al
@BBCWorld 10 years ago RT @BBCAfrica: #BREAKING: At least two people have been killed in a suspected attack by Boko Haram on polling stations in Gombe state #NigeriaDecides
@guardian 10 years ago Disabled people shut out of politics by lack of access at polling stations | Frances Ryan trib.al
@guardian 10 years ago Lib Dem polling brings hope of future coalition role trib.al
@guardian 10 years ago Fears of violence as polling stations open in Sri Lanka election trib.al
@guardian 10 years ago Rochester and Strood byelection – polling day live gu.com
@guardian 10 years ago Do I need my polling card?' 'Do I need to take ID?' Here's what you need to know about voting in #GE2015 gu.com
@guardian 10 years ago Lord Ashcroft resigns from House of Lords to focus on polling and publishing trib.al
@WSJ 10 years ago Some polling stations reopen in Nigeria for a second day of voting on.wsj.com
@BBCWorld 10 years ago #NigeriaDecides as polling stations open across the country in the 5th election since military rule ended in 1999 bbc.in
@guardian 10 years ago 44 days to go until the UK election. Based on current polling each party would win: t.gu.com #GE2015 t.co
@guardian 10 years ago Green party membership is higher than Ukip and the Liberal Democrats – but it may count for little on polling day trib.al
@WSJ 10 years ago RT @WSJThinkTank: Robin Wright on polling about European attitudes toward Muslims and ISIS: on.wsj.com #CharlieHebdo t.co
@BBCWorld 10 years ago RT @BBCGavinHewitt: Spain: v strong polling by radical left party Podemos at 22.5%. Only formed January. Reflects anti mainstream mood in Europe #Spain
@guardian 10 years ago It’s the Sun wot made a calculated decision based on polling data trib.al
@live.wsj.com 10 years ago Nigerian Elections Extended Amid Glitches, Disruptions
@live.wsj.com 10 years ago Nigeria’s Presidential Election Pushes into Sunday
@BBCWorld 10 years ago RT @Salym: Goodluck Jonathan just arrived at the polling station #NigeriaDecides2015 t.co
@BBCWorld 10 years ago RT @BBCJonSopel: 10am on the East Coast, first presidential candidate declares #Cruz2016 - and only 20 months to polling day. Tension mounts
@guardian 10 years ago Vince Cable apologises for not declaring £6,000 donation in the form of polling trib.al
@guardian 10 years ago Labour accused of foul play over immigration polling gu.com @GdnPolitics
@BBCWorld 10 years ago RT @BBCAfrica: In #Maputo in #Mozambique voters have formed neat lines outside polling stations as they prepare to elect a new president and parliament.
@guardian 10 years ago Here's what the government might look like, based on current polling. Updated daily: theguardian.com #GE2015 t.co
@WSJ 10 years ago Some polling stations reopen in Nigeria for a second day of voting: on.wsj.com
@WSJ 10 years ago Nigerian election officials allowed polling stations to extend voting into Sunday: on.wsj.com #NigeriaDecides
@WSJ 10 years ago RT @patmcgroarty: Does 56 milion voter cards + 150,000 polling stations add up to a free & fair vote? on.wsj.com #nigeriadecides @drewfhinshaw
@guardian 10 years ago Binyamin Netanyahu: 'Arab voters are heading to the polling stations in droves' trib.al
@guardian 10 years ago Sri Lanka polling stations close with high voter turnout trib.al
@guardian 10 years ago Rochester and Strood byelection – polling day live gu.com
@live.wsj.com 10 years ago Jerry Seib: GOP Polling and the Election