An early Uber investor says the company's new leaders have 'lost their mojo' — but can still beat Lyft in the long run (UBER, LYFT)
@WSJ6 years ago
California will consider a bill that could classify drivers for ride-hailing firm like Uber and Lyft as employees, entitled to better wages and benefits
@markets.businessinsider.com6 years ago
Here's how Uber saved more than $6 billion by creating an offshore tax haven in the Netherlands years ago
Crazy rich shoppers avoid Hong Kong's turmoil, sparking fears for economy
Uber pierde 5.200 millones en tres meses, seis veces más que hace un año
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
How to dispute an Uber charge using the mobile app or Uber's website
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
How to contact your Uber driver before they pick you up, or contact Uber afterward to report a problem
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
How to use Uber credits to pay for rides in the Uber app or food delivery with Uber Eats
@WSJ6 years ago
"It never gives me any problems." Why Camrys are the car of choice for New York's Uber and Lyft drivers.
@n-tv.de6 years ago
Verband warnt vor Marktöffnung: Taxi-Chef befürchtet Pleitewelle
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
Investors who dumped Uber stock last week are idiots: Here's what's really going on.
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
Uber's CEO says it considered buying Caviar before DoorDash snapped up the competitor for $410 million (UBER)
@sueddeutsche.de6 years ago
Quartalszahlen: Uber-Verlust
@thedailybeast.com6 years ago
Uber Earnings Strike Ominous Note for Ridesharing Business
@n-tv.de6 years ago
Aktienvergütung kommt teuer: Uber verfehlt die Prognosen
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
Uber just reported massive losses that were larger than Wall Street expected — and the stock is tanking (UBER)
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
Uber is about to report its second-quarter performance. The ride-hailing giant likely lost $5 billion in 3 months. (UBER)
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
How to use Uber promo codes to get free or discounted rides
@WSJ6 years ago
Apps help parents keep tabs on kids during surgery; “If I can track my food on Uber Eats or my package on Amazon, why can’t I track my family member’s condition in the O.R.?”
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
Uber's stock just hit a new record low after last week's disastrous earnings report (UBER)
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
Here are the biggest risks Uber's facing, according to Wall Street analysts (UBER)
@businessinsider.com6 years ago
Here are the 5 biggest questions facing WeWork as it prepares for its IPO (UBER, LYFT, CBRE, WORK)
@reuters.com6 years ago
No Lyft for Uber shares after results fall short
@welt.de6 years ago
Uber macht Dollar Verlust – im Quartal
@vox.com6 years ago
Uber lost an eye-popping $5 billion in a single quarter
@thehill.com6 years ago
Uber reports largest-ever loss at $5.2 billion
@reuters.com6 years ago
Uber revenue misses estimates despite easing price war, shares tumble
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
Uber gains after Lyft blows past earnings expectations (UBER, LYFT)
@WSJ6 years ago
Apps help parents keep tabs on kids during surgery; “If I can track my food on Uber Eats or my package on Amazon, why can’t I track my family member’s condition in the O.R.?”
@fastcompany.com6 years ago
Uber and Lyft are actually making traffic worse in some cities
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
Uber confirms a hiring freeze in the US and Canada through the end of the year as the ride-hailing giant ramps up cost-cutting efforts (UBER)
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
Here's how Uber saved more than $6 billion by creating an offshore tax haven in the Netherlands
@businessinsider.de6 years ago
Uber spent $5.2 billion in 3 months. Here's where all that money went. (UBER)
@WSJ6 years ago
Uber has recorded its largest-ever quarterly loss, $5.23 billion, attributed to heavy competition and IPO expenses
@guardian6 years ago
Uber sees biggest-ever quarterly loss: $5bn in three months
@reuters.com6 years ago
Uber loses $5 billion, misses Wall Street targets despite easing price war
@theguardian.com6 years ago
Uber sees biggest-ever quarterly loss: $5bn in three months
@fastcompany.com6 years ago
This California city just voted to give a $30 minimum wage to Uber and Lyft drivers
@n-tv.de6 years ago
Umsatzprognose angehoben: Bei Lyft ist noch Luft nach oben
@vox.com6 years ago
Uber and Lyft have admitted to making traffic worse in some US cities