Is It Even Possible to Make a Good Charles Manson Movie?
@cbsnews.com6 years ago
Gun control advocates lament "heartbreaking" lack of action in US
@aljazeera.com6 years ago
Yazidi mass graves: UN team exhumes bodies in Iraq
@WSJ7 years ago
Mass shootings have made gun control a key issue in midterm campaign ads, with most calling for stricter regulations
@ComedyCentral7 years ago
Should Teens Be Leading the Gun Violence Debate? - The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
The U.S. Fights Terrorism—But Not School Shootings
@WSJ7 years ago
Spain's move to seize control of Catalan government is met with mass protests
@live.wsj.com9 years ago
Tony Awards: Celebrities Comment on Orlando Shooting
@WSJ9 years ago
In grim ritual, Barack Obama again calls for stricter gun control after mass years ago
Italy warns EU to brace for refugee surge as migrants are caught up in Libya war
@nytimesworld6 years ago
It took New Zealand just six days to announce a new gun control policy after the mass shooting in Christchurch. Massacres have also had a mobilizing effect in Australia, Britain, Canada and Germany. years ago
New Zealand's gun control laws scrutinised after Christchurch terror attack
@nytimesworld7 years ago
American proponents of gun control, including former President Barack Obama, often point to Australia’s strict regulations and few mass shootings as a guide to limiting such events in the United States
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
The Parkland Students Aren't Going Away
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
Congress's Ever-So-Brief Return to the Debate Over Gun Control
@WSJ7 years ago
Australians gave up 51,000 illegal guns in an amnesty, part of strict gun control after a mass shooting 20 years ago
@WSJ9 years ago
RT @Kate_OKeeffe: Confirmation that guns used in worst-ever US mass shooting were bought legally reignites gun control debate
@WSJ9 years ago
In grim ritual, Barack Obama again calls for stricter gun control after mass shooting
@vox.com6 years ago
20 years after Columbine, the guns are still the problem
@rt.com6 years ago
NZ adopts harsh gun control measures after Christchurch massacre… to cheers & jeers in US
@BBCWorld6 years ago
"I am part of the Mass Shooting Generation, and it's an ugly club to be in" A student activist describes his anxiety and depression after fighting for gun control
@BBCWorld7 years ago
March For Our Lives: US set for mass rallies to back gun control
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
Photos: High School Students Stage Walkouts, Rally For Gun Control in Florida and Washington, D.C.
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
The Gun Control Legislation That Even Republicans Like
@WSJ7 years ago
WSJ's Gerald F. Seib is unconvinced the mass shooting in Vegas will set off a gun control debate
@nytimesworld9 years ago
Data shows gun control laws in Australia a huge success 20 years after a mass shooting with murders by gun way down:
@spiegel.de10 years ago
The Digital Arms Race: NSA Preps America for Future Battle
@aljazeera.com6 years ago
The European far right has its eye on education years ago
Algerian president resists calls to step down as army threatens to take control
@nytimesworld6 years ago
50 years ago, the massacre at Tlatelolco decimated Mexico's student movement. It also marked the first time that a mass movement confronted the authoritarian control of Mexico’s one-party state.
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
Can Gun-Control Advocates Make the NRA Toxic?
@ComedyCentral7 years ago
Carly Novell & Delaney Tarr - Reforming Gun Laws with #NeverAgain - The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper
@theatlantic.com7 years ago
Making 'Thoughts and Prayers' Count
@LateNightSeth7 years ago
Seth Meyers Responds to the Las Vegas Mass Shooting
@guardian9 years ago
Could more gun control have stopped 2015's deadliest mass shootings?