EPA boss rips Cuomo, de Blasio over protests, threatens to relocate NYC office
@variety.com5 years ago
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Speaks at The Weeknd’s Hxouse Offices
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Reed Hastings says Netflix offices won't reopen until 'a majority of people' are vaccinated (NFLX)
@variety.com5 years ago
U.K. Indie Dirty Hit, Home to 1975 and Wolf Alice, Opening U.S and Australian Offices
@paderborner-blatt.de5 years ago
Boom im Home Office und knappe Drucker heise online - Paderborner-Blatt
@foxnews.com5 years ago
Pelosi calls members back to Capitol Hill to consider USPS legislation, calls post office 'Election Central' amid coronavirus
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Europe's tech unicorns follow Silicon Valley's lead on flexible working post-pandemic: in with long-term remote working, out with high-density open plan offices
@fastcompany.com5 years ago
Here’s how amazing your office could be if designed by your favorite filmmakers
@fastcompany.com5 years ago
The office as you know it is gone
@forbes.com5 years ago
SAP BrandVoice: How Tech Can Bring Offices Back To Life, Virtually
@forbes.com5 years ago
Pairing Sustainability And Sanitation In Post-Pandemic Office Buildings
@theconversation.com5 years ago
COVID-19: As offices reopen, here's what to expect if you're worried about getting sick on the job
@WSJ5 years ago
Six months after coronavirus lockdown orders closed workplaces across the country, data shows that “unlocks” at offices—when someone uses their credentials to enter an office—in late August were down 51% from the end of February on.wsj.com t.co
@forbes.com5 years ago
Bomb-Threat Spammers: Give Us $20,000 Or We’ll Blow Up Your Office
@forbes.com5 years ago
Key To Future Office And Home Work Spaces: Flexibility
@theconversation.com5 years ago
Mail-in voting's potential problems only begin at the post office -- an underfunded, underprepared decentralized system could be trouble
@WSJ5 years ago
New York’s most famous office skyscraper looks vulnerable to losing office tenants as more companies embrace remote work or cheaper offices on.wsj.com
@theconversation.com5 years ago
Zoom meetings help marginalised staff feel included – we should keep having them even after offices reopen
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Facial recognition could be coming to your office. Here's why companies pitching the tech say the pandemic is a huge tipping point for adoption.
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
The cofounder of productivity app Trello, who has managed an 80%-remote team for 9 years, shares his top tips for maintaining a consistent corporate culture even when most employees are not in the office
@WSJ5 years ago
After three months of lockdown, New York City allowed companies to reopen their offices in late June, but some companies have been faster to implement return-to-the-office plans than others on.wsj.com
@forbes.com5 years ago
COVID-19: Shift Your Business Paradigm And Expand Your Net Margin
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
WeWork says it's a year closer to profitability than previously planned thanks to 8,400 job cuts
@fastcompany.com5 years ago
What to do if you’re not ready to go back to the office yet
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Facebook bought REI's abandoned HQ because it thinks offices are 'still vitally important' despite the rise in remote work — and it's just the latest sign that Big Tech isn't slowing real estate plans (FB, GOOG)
@fastcompany.com5 years ago
How to tell your boss you’re not ready to return to the office
@variety.com5 years ago
Global Bulletin: Neither COVID nor Brexit Could Stop Rise from Opening its London Office
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Take a look inside IBM's offices that have been completely reimagined since the start of the coronavirus pandemic
@theconversation.com5 years ago
A dismantled post office destroys more than mail service
@qz.com5 years ago
Offices aren’t disappearing, but they’ll never be the same again
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Facebook just leased office space in a 128-year-old New York City post office — here's a look at the building's fascinating history (FB)
@wsj.com5 years ago
The Office Redesign Has Only Just Begun
@thedailybeast.com5 years ago
‘Disgusted’ Employees Rage Against Dish Network Pushing Them Back to Offices
@aljazeera.com5 years ago
Russia police raid opposition leader Alexei Navalny's offices
@msnbc.com5 years ago
Barr 'decapitates' third U.S. attorney's office looking at Trump
@forbes.com5 years ago
How To Identify A True Multi-Family Office
@forbes.com5 years ago
JPMorgan Tells Bankers To Go Back To The Office, Breaking The Work-From-Home Trend
@fastcompany.com5 years ago
Are offices dead? Not yet, but real estate power brokers are betting on a new strategy
@abcnews.go.com5 years ago
UK encourages workers to return to the office
@forbes.com5 years ago
Is Home Work Your Employment Future? Office Work Isn’t Dead Yet
@fastcompany.com5 years ago
In the era of remote work, we still need offices
@businessinsider.com5 years ago
Neighbor, an Andreessen Horowitz-backed startup that wants to be the Airbnb of self-storage, has started partnering with landlords to turn empty offices into spaces for people's stuff
@fastcompany.com5 years ago
Slack’s Head of People: Why we’re embracing remote work for the long haul
@theguardian.com5 years ago
Office turned into 85-bed Covid ward for India's poor after businessman falls ill
@jezebel.com5 years ago
Fox News Sure Believes Coronavirus Is Real When It's Possibly in Their Office
@forbes.com5 years ago
Redesign Your Offices!
@BBCWorld5 years ago
Many of us have been working from home since March Our relationship with the office has changed, perhaps forever If and when we go back to the office what will it look like? How will technology and coronavirus change the way offices work? [Thread] bbc.in
@forbes.com5 years ago
Preparing Offices For The Safe Return Of Employees