RT @movingpictureTV: Following the school slaughter of 148 mostly children by the Taliban, Pakistan is reinstating the death penalty: on.wsj.com
@live.wsj.com10 years ago
Pakistan Taliban: School Massacre Was Act of Revenge
@BBCWorld10 years ago
RT @BBCWorldatOne: In last 6 months, "there has been no distinction whatsoever" between 'good Taliban' and 'bad Taliban' - Pakistan High Commissioner on #wato
@nytimesworld10 years ago
Relatives mourn Mohammed Ali Khan, 15, student killed in Taliban school attack in Pakistan nyti.ms t.co
@WSJ10 years ago
RT @nickhatchr: Taliban attacks Pakistan school, kills over 140 people. Read this and four other stories @WSJon.wsj.com t.co