@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: On the world stage, Donald Trump remains disruptor-in-chief, Gerald F. Seib writes on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Angela Merkel and Theresa May criticize Donald Trump’s refugee ban on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump: "If Putin likes Donald Trump, I consider that an asset not a liability." Watch: on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump's Carrier deal highlights a potential double standard on Ex-Im Bank on.wsj.com by @NickTimiraos
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump offers attorney general post to Sen. Jeff Sessions on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: First-time politician Donald Trump surpassed polls, pundits’ expectations to become the 45th president of the U.S.… t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Breaking: Hillary Clinton wins Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Massachusetts & District of Columbia; Donald Trump wins Oklahoma, AP says
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump refuses to pledge to accept the results of the election. on.wsj.com t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Clinton's advantage over Donald Trump grows to 11 percentage points from 6 points in September in WSJ/NBC poll… t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: There is no legal prohibition against Donald Trump releasing his tax returns and Trump may be able to slow his audit t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Why Donald Trump has his firmest support among the white working class: on.wsj.com
@WSJ 9 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: New WSJ/NBC poll headlines. Story soon*Hillary Clinton Leads Donald Trump 47%-38%*Clinton Also Gains Ground in Four-Way Race
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump sees North Korea as top threat, and more in Capital Journal Daybreak on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Here is the full text of President Donald Trump's inaugural address: on.wsj.com #Inauguration
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump suggests that U.S. intelligence agencies could have been behind the leak of the Russia report. Watch: t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Mnuchin, Chao, more -- who's who in Donald Trump's cabinet so far: on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Rudy Giuliani says defeating ISIS to be early focus of Donald Trump’s foreign policy on.wsj.com #wsjceocouncil
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Hillary Clinton wins Maine, takes 3 electoral votes; Donald Trump gets one electoral vote, AP says… t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump says he has some regrets, but won't name them. “I’d always do things differently." on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump condemns any interference by Russia in the U.S. election. on.wsj.com t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: From jobs to entitlements to debt: where Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton stand on economic issues: t.co #VPDebate
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: The debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is starting. Follow WSJ's live blog for the latest analysis: t.co
@WSJ 9 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump’s shift in immigration stance moves him closer to President Obama's policy on.wsj.com
@WSJ 9 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Mike Pence said he may have a “born to be mild” style but he is in lock-step philosophically with Donald Trump. on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump looks to ex-intelligence officer Fiona Hill, a Vladimir Putin critic, for National Security Council t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: On his first day, Donald Trump will be greeted with the largest political protest in years. on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump blames Democrats for reports of Russia hacking on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump threatens to ‘terminate’ thaw in U.S.-Cuba relations on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Tonight at the #WSJCEOCouncil, Rudy Guiliani & Kellyanne Conway speak on Donald Trump's victory. Watch at 7:15 EST: t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: With fewer than 600,000 votes counted in Nevada, Hillary Clinton has won 51.7% of them, to Donald Trump's 43% t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 4 points in latest WSJ/NBC poll on.wsj.com t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump: “The Supreme Court is what it’s all about." Live analysis: on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: From ISIS to Russia, where Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton stand on key foreign policy issues: on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Get analysis and fact checking from the debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on WSJ's live blog: t.co
@WSJ 9 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Analysis shows slight increase in new voters, but short of influx that might benefit Donald Trump in November on.wsj.com
@WSJ 9 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Fox News poll: Hillary Clinton extends lead over Donald Trump to 10 points on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Interactive: How Donald Trump’s job approval rating compares with past presidents’ on.wsj.com t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: In WSJ interview, Donald Trump explains why he twists businesses’ arms on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Al Gore says his meeting with Donald Trump on climate change was 'productive' on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump turns to Twitter to demand apology from "Hamilton" cast on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: As Donald Trump heads to Washington, Trump University trial set to begin Nov. 28 on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: In Virginia, Donald Trump has a narrow lead over Hillary Clinton. Follow live results and analysis:… t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: With Donald Trump as candidate, Republicans see Cuban-American support shrinking on.wsj.com by @bethreinhard
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: New WSJ/NBC/Marist poll: Hillary Clinton leads by 4 points in North Carolina; Donald Trump has 1-point edge in Ohio… t.co
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: From 2011 to 2016: Five years of Donald Trump's "birther" statements about President Barack Obama on.wsj.com
@WSJ 8 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: As Election Day nears, Republican voters come around to Donald Trump on.wsj.com
@WSJ 9 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Mike Pence said he may have a “born to be mild” style but he is in lock-step philosophically with Donald Trump. on.wsj.com
@WSJ 9 years ago RT @WSJPolitics: Donald Trump says Republicans will stay loyal, even if they don't like him. on.wsj.com t.co