@foxnews.com a year ago California Democrat secretary of state to allow Trump on GOP presidential primary ballot: 'I must be better'
@foxnews.com 5 years ago California Supreme Court rejects law requiring Trump to release tax returns to get on ballot
@foxnews.com 3 years ago Larry Elder says California law disqualifying him from recall ballot was designed to get Trump's tax returns
@snopes.com 5 years ago California Justices Reject Law Requiring Trump Tax Returns
@realclearpolitics.com 4 years ago Why PA's Mail-In-Ballot Changes Are Unconstitutional
@foxnews.com 5 years ago California to appeal Trump tax return ruling, renew bid to block president from 2020 primary ballot
@foxnews.com 4 years ago Trump directs California GOP to 'fight hard' in court over ballot boxes despite prosecution threat
@foxnews.com 5 years ago California sued over law blocking Trump from ballot unless he releases tax returns