@WSJ 8 years ago Can a corner office smile? CEO pay jumped in FY 16, erasing cuts from a year earlier on.wsj.com
@WSJ 9 years ago CEO pay fell more sharply last year than in any year since the financial crisis on.wsj.com t.co
@WSJ 10 years ago Microsoft valued the first-year pay for CEO Satya Nadella at $84 million. on.wsj.com t.co
@BBCWorld 8 years ago RT @BBCBusiness: On #BBCBizLive today: On the day that CEO pay reaches the average full year pay for a UK worker - we want to know -… t.co
@WSJ 9 years ago CEO pay shrank 3.8% last year, the biggest decline since the financial crisis on.wsj.com
@live.wsj.com 9 years ago CEO Pay Takes Biggest Drop Since the Great Recession
@WSJ 9 years ago Breaking: CEO pay at the biggest U.S. firms fell more sharply in 2015 than in any year since the financial crisis on.wsj.com
@live.wsj.com 9 years ago CEO Pay Takes Biggest Drop Since the Great Recession
@live.wsj.com 10 years ago CFO Pay Raises Outpacing Those of CEOs